University of Engineering and Management Kolkata
Times of India Ranking 2023
UEMK has been ranked 7th within the top 14 B-school in Eastern zone and ranked 20th within the top 36 Private University in India.
Department of engineering in UEM Kolkata provides an opportunity for specializing in various fields like Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical and Biotechnology.
The Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities (BSH) initiating its journey since the inception of the University in 2015, is a multidisciplinary department housing four different domains namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Humanities. As an integral part of the institute, the Department plays a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge par excellence to the first year B.Tech students both in the fields of Basic Sciences as well as in English and Soft Skills.
2The Department introduces fundamental concepts of computer science and computational thinking. The Department imparts knowledge dealing with logical reasoning, problem-solving, data representation, abstraction, the creation of “digital artifacts” such as Web pages and programs, managing complexity, and operation of computers and networks. Currently, the Department runs a four-year B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering course to prepare students with a firm foundation of both the theory and practice of Computer Science and Engineering through a comprehensive undergraduate program and to strengthen creativity, nurture innovation and develop the ability to carry out research and solve real-world problems.
The Computer Science Technology and Computer Science Information Technology Engineering programme at UEMK is a unique blend of hardware and software, allowing students to gain knowledge about the concepts that enable many of today’s fundamental technologies, including artificial intelligence & machine Learning, Wireless Communication and the Internet of Things.
One of the newest and most cutting-edge engineering departments of the Institute of Engineering and Management, Newtown, is the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), or CSE(AI & ML). It began operations in the academic year 2020–2021 and was founded under the auspices of the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. The main goal of this department is to teach fundamental ideas like computational thinking, object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, database management systems, artificial intelligence (including search strategies and knowledge representation), natural language processing, and Python programming for problem-solving. As a result, students will have a thorough understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning through the application of real-world issues in a wide range of application domains, including speech and natural language processing, computer vision, cognitive sciences, and others. Throughout their studies, students will get expertise in a variety of professional electives given by machine learning, computer vision, voice and natural language processing, data analytics, cyber security, blockchain, cloud computing and generative AI domain verticals.
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Blockchain Technology), commonly referred to as CSE (IoT, CS, BT), is among the most innovative and advanced engineering departments at the Institute of Engineering and Management, Newtown. Established in the academic year 2020–2021, it operates under the auspices of the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata.
The ECE department trains students to face the challenges of the dynamic world of Electronics and telecommunications and to take up projects in core and inter disciplinary areas in tune with industry, leading to research. It has a team of competent teachers and researchers. It offers infrastructure necessary for research through collaboration with leading organization in India and abroad.
6Electrical Engineering is a continuously evolving subject. As technology has advanced, so have the challenges have also increased. Electrical engineering is a subject that naturally partners with other disciplines to open whole new engineering avenues. The curriculum has been designed to create professional electrical engineers who can serve in the fields of core electrical engineering systems, and other related fields. The Department is dynamic and has a scholarly environment wherein students learn independently and in collaboration with others to develop a disciplined yet innovative approach to their careers as professional engineers, researchers or teachers and offers a four-year B.Tech program in Electrical Engineering.
The core coursework of a mechanical engineering program teaches students to design and make devices and test that they work as planned. These devices may include electric generators, tools, engines, elevators and other thermal and mechanical devices. Graduate programs offer an area of focus, such as fluid mechanics, mechanical design, heat transfer and manufacturing. The Department provides four year B.Tech degree program in Mechanical Engineering.
For more information, visit departmental website: View details
9The Department aims at providing high-quality training to students through the latest in computer technology. In order to maintain the standard of education, the department constantly upgrades the academic syllabi so as to keep the students well trained to deal with changing trends in the field of Computer Science and Technology. The syllabi and courseware are planned to be flexible and wide-ranging, incorporating the cutting edge as well as ensuring a firm grasp of core fundamentals.
The Department of Business Management (BBA-H), Institute of Engineering & Management believes in three-level agenda, first, making a conducive classroom environment, second, dissemination of knowledge and third, the application of knowledge. Apart from regular classroom training, here we offer the management education through innovative pedagogy like business case study sessions, summer, and winter internship programs, research and value added programs including industry speaks.
Teaching of legal Education is a blending of both theory and practice. Law as a discipline aids one to develop an overall understanding of several aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences. We intent to adapt the appropriate and innovative methods of teaching skills to ensure the quality legal education. Our mission is to promote excellence in the field of legal education and to fulfill the ever increasing demand of quality legal professionals for a growing legal world. The students seeking admission to the Faculty of Law, University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata will receive all the exposure, companionship and guidance to cast themselves in a professional mould to develop as a successful legal practitioner.
This globally accepted programme is designed with dual focus on developing a broad understanding of the operational aspects of the international hotel industry and building knowledge of key business and management principles which will further their career in international hospitality industry.
Department of engineering in UEM Kolkata provides an opportunity for specializing in various fields like Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical and Biotechnology.
The Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities (BSH) initiating its journey since the inception of the University in 2015, is a multidisciplinary department housing four different domains namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Humanities. As an integral part of the institute, the Department plays a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge par excellence to the first year B.Tech students both in the fields of Basic Sciences as well as in English and Soft Skills.
2The Department introduces fundamental concepts of computer science and computational thinking. The Department imparts knowledge dealing with logical reasoning, problem-solving, data representation, abstraction, the creation of “digital artifacts” such as Web pages and programs, managing complexity, and operation of computers and networks. Currently, the Department runs a four-year B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering course to prepare students with a firm foundation of both the theory and practice of Computer Science and Engineering through a comprehensive undergraduate program and to strengthen creativity, nurture innovation and develop the ability to carry out research and solve real-world problems.
The Computer Science Technology and Computer Science Information Technology Engineering programme at UEMK is a unique blend of hardware and software, allowing students to gain knowledge about the concepts that enable many of today’s fundamental technologies, including artificial intelligence & machine Learning, Wireless Communication and the Internet of Things.
One of the newest and most cutting-edge engineering departments of the Institute of Engineering and Management, Newtown, is the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), or CSE(AI & ML). It began operations in the academic year 2020–2021 and was founded under the auspices of the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. The main goal of this department is to teach fundamental ideas like computational thinking, object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, database management systems, artificial intelligence (including search strategies and knowledge representation), natural language processing, and Python programming for problem-solving. As a result, students will have a thorough understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning through the application of real-world issues in a wide range of application domains, including speech and natural language processing, computer vision, cognitive sciences, and others. Throughout their studies, students will get expertise in a variety of professional electives given by machine learning, computer vision, voice and natural language processing, data analytics, cyber security, blockchain, cloud computing and generative AI domain verticals.
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Blockchain Technology), commonly referred to as CSE (IoT, CS, BT), is among the most innovative and advanced engineering departments at the Institute of Engineering and Management, Newtown. Established in the academic year 2020–2021, it operates under the auspices of the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata.
The ECE department trains students to face the challenges of the dynamic world of Electronics and telecommunications and to take up projects in core and inter disciplinary areas in tune with industry, leading to research. It has a team of competent teachers and researchers. It offers infrastructure necessary for research through collaboration with leading organization in India and abroad.
6Electrical Engineering is a continuously evolving subject. As technology has advanced, so have the challenges have also increased. Electrical engineering is a subject that naturally partners with other disciplines to open whole new engineering avenues. The curriculum has been designed to create professional electrical engineers who can serve in the fields of core electrical engineering systems, and other related fields. The Department is dynamic and has a scholarly environment wherein students learn independently and in collaboration with others to develop a disciplined yet innovative approach to their careers as professional engineers, researchers or teachers and offers a four-year B.Tech program in Electrical Engineering.
The core coursework of a mechanical engineering program teaches students to design and make devices and test that they work as planned. These devices may include electric generators, tools, engines, elevators and other thermal and mechanical devices. Graduate programs offer an area of focus, such as fluid mechanics, mechanical design, heat transfer and manufacturing. The Department provides four year B.Tech degree program in Mechanical Engineering.
For more information, visit departmental website: View details
9The Department aims at providing high-quality training to students through the latest in computer technology. In order to maintain the standard of education, the department constantly upgrades the academic syllabi so as to keep the students well trained to deal with changing trends in the field of Computer Science and Technology. The syllabi and courseware are planned to be flexible and wide-ranging, incorporating the cutting edge as well as ensuring a firm grasp of core fundamentals.
The Department of Business Management (BBA-H), Institute of Engineering & Management believes in three-level agenda, first, making a conducive classroom environment, second, dissemination of knowledge and third, the application of knowledge. Apart from regular classroom training, here we offer the management education through innovative pedagogy like business case study sessions, summer, and winter internship programs, research and value added programs including industry speaks.
Teaching of legal Education is a blending of both theory and practice. Law as a discipline aids one to develop an overall understanding of several aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences. We intent to adapt the appropriate and innovative methods of teaching skills to ensure the quality legal education. Our mission is to promote excellence in the field of legal education and to fulfill the ever increasing demand of quality legal professionals for a growing legal world. The students seeking admission to the Faculty of Law, University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata will receive all the exposure, companionship and guidance to cast themselves in a professional mould to develop as a successful legal practitioner.
This globally accepted programme is designed with dual focus on developing a broad understanding of the operational aspects of the international hotel industry and building knowledge of key business and management principles which will further their career in international hospitality industry.
UEMK has been ranked 7th within the top 14 B-school in Eastern zone and ranked 20th within the top 36 Private University in India.