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Viva Voice Examination

  1. There shall be a viva voce examination, for which notice may be issued 15 (fifteen) days prior to the date of examination and researchers and teachers of the concerned faculty will be invited to be present at the examination. Other interested persons may also attend.
  2. The Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Doctorate Committee shall constitute a board for conducting viva which shall comprise of one expert (usually the external examiner from India) and the Supervisor(s) of the candidate, as examiners for the viva-voce examination. In case the Supervisor(s) or the external examiner of India is not available, the Vice- Chancellor shall appoint another examiner in his/her/their place.
  3. In the event of a Ph.D. candidate proceeding abroad after submission of the thesis, two competent scholars in the relevant field abroad may be appointed as examiners for the viva-voce examination as a special case, with the approval of the Vice Chancellor and on submission of requisite fees as may be decided upon by the University in such cases. [An alternate Skype based viva voca may also be sanctioned by the Vice Chancellor].
  4. The examiners at the viva-voce examination may ask questions beyond the topic of the thesis in order to satisfy themselves that the candidate has adequate knowledge of the broad areas of the relevant subject, in which s/he has submitted the thesis. If there is an addendum, the examiners will certify that it is satisfactory or otherwise.
  5. If the examiners at the viva-voce examination are not satisfied, the candidate may be directed to appear again at the viva-voce examination after six months. Such a candidate shall pay an additional fee as determined by the University.
  6. The Ph.D. degree will be awarded to a candidate by the University if the examiners of the viva voce examination are of the opinion that the candidate is a fit person to receive the degree, subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

Honorarium to Board of Examiners:

The members of the Board of Examiners shall be paid an honorarium as may be determined from time to time by the University for examination of a thesis and the viva-voce examination, separately. Honorarium will be paid to the examiners at the same rate for re-examination of a thesis.

Registration of Candidates under Supervisors who are not teachers of the University.

  1. The Academic Council may identify research institutions from where the teachers and researchers may independently supervise candidates for the degree of Ph.D. of the University, provided that such teachers and researchers are recognized by the University for the purpose.
  2. A research institute shall be recognized by the University for the purpose, provided the said institute does not confer Ph.D. degrees on its own.
  3. When an institute is thus identified by the Academic Council of the University, the institute shall follow the rules and regulations of the University regarding the Ph.D. programmes and shall maintain liaison in the matter with the University.
  4. The Head/Director of such an Institute shall forward the candidate’s application form for registration to the Ph.D. programme of the University.
  5. The Ph.D. Research Committee as constituted will conduct an interview, review the title and scheme of work and conduct the pre-submission presentation of the candidate and forward its report to the Doctorate Committee for necessary action, subject to the approval of the Vice- Chancellor.