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University of Engineering and Management Kolkata

Procedure for Registration

Candidate for registration should have qualified any one of the following examinations that is NET/SET/GATE.

  1. The applications of the eligible and qualified candidates as per sub- clauses 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4 of clause 4.2 will be processed and the candidates after payment of admission and / semester, processing etc. Fees will be eligible for enrollment in the Ph.D. programme in the relevant discipline.
  2. In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of fundamental training or proper foundation for advanced work; special make up or pre-doctoral courses are given by each Faculty/Department/ Centre. These courses are given either by faculty member or by guests speakers and specialists in the profession. Normally candidates having a B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree are required to complete a minimum of 9 * credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.0. M.Tech or equivalent degree holders are required to complete a minimum of 6* credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.0
    *A Department/Centre may specify a higher credit requirement for all their PhD programmes and/or require an individual scholar to complete a larger number of credits based on his/her background, competence and       preparation level.
  3. The Doctorate Committee will process applications of the qualified candidates in the Pre- Ph.D. Coursework for Registration under the rules of the University.
  4. The candidates qualified for Pre- Ph.D. Coursework Examination will have to present their research proposal in front of Doctoral Committee mentioned under sub-clause 4.3.1 of clause 4.3.
  5. The research proposal will be consisting of Introduction, along with Research Objective, Proposed Plan of Work with necessary diagram supported by Gantt Chart, Research Gaps observed, further scope of research in the relevant field, references with proper citation in the text of proposal.
  6. When the Doctorate Committee accepts the candidate for registration, s/he will register her/his name within one month from the date of communication of the decision of the Doctorate Committee in this regard to the candidate, by paying a registration fee and such other fees as may be determined by the University.
  7. Registration for a Ph.D. degree of the University will be granted to a candidate, if the Doctorate Committee is satisfied that:
    • The candidate satisfies the requirements for eligibility as laid down.
    • The candidate maintains regular contact with her/his Supervisor throughout the entire period of her/his work, and
    • The experimental work, if any, can be carried out at the University or with the permission of the University, in any other recognized university or Institution or research organization or Industry, where adequate facilities for carrying out such work exist.
    • There is evidence that a person qualified for the purpose and recognized by the University for such purpose, has given her/his consent to act as the Supervisor for the candidate.
  8. In case of failure to register within the prescribed time, the application shall be deemed as cancelled unless granted permission by the Registrar on the basis of a written application giving reasons and with the approval of the Vice- Chancellor.
  9. On payment of the registration fees, the candidate’s name and other particulars will be included in the register maintained by the office of the Faculty Council concerned.
  10. Registration shall remain valid for five years from the date of registration. The relevant Doctorate Committee may, however, extend the period of registration beyond six years on the merit of individual cases on sufficient grounds, provided that such extension shall not exceed more than three years.
  11. A candidate may apply to the Registrar for cancellation of her/his registration stating reasons, and such application, forwarded by the Supervisor(s), shall be placed at a meeting of the Doctorate Committee. If approved, the candidate’s registration approval of the Vice Chancellor.
  12. Registration of a candidate may be cancelled by the University, if the candidate does not fulfill the prescribed conditions. In such cases, the Supervisor(s) may recommend to the Registrar for cancellation of his/her registration. Such recommendations shall be placed at a meeting of the Doctorate Committee and the candidate will be notified in writing the decision taken by the Doctorate Committee. Final decision will be taken by the Doctorate Committee after obtaining the reply from the candidate concerned within a stipulated period of time, and the same will be implemented on obtaining approval of the Vice- Chancellor; provided that the Doctorate Committee may reconsider the matter on receiving the reply from the candidate.
  13. A teacher/officer of this University can be a registered candidate for a Ph.D. programme in any department if s/he is eligible as per provisions above, provided s/he has been permitted by the University to apply for such registration.
News & Achievements
UEM Kolkata ranked 43 in Top 175 - Govt and Private - All India Ranking 40 in Top 125 Private Institutions- All India Ranking 28 in Top 70 Private Institutions - Placement - All India Ranking 7 in Region wise Ranking
UEMK received 1st rank in the State of West Bengal and 3rd rank in Eastern and Central region.
UEMK received <strong>2nd Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST ENGINEERING COLLEGE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>1st Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR LAW COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong>
UEMK received an all-India rank of 34 in the Emerging Engineering Colleges of India list as listed by India Today.
UEMK has been ranked 7th within the top 14 B-school in Eastern zone and ranked 20th within the top 36 Private University in India.
UEMK has received A+ Grade and Diamond Category in Sustainable Institutions of India Green Ranking 2023, done by R. World Institutional Ranking, in pursuit of excellence towards practicing sustainable education.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best BBA Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best Engineering Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
UEMK ranked 56 by India Today in the list of India's Best University Ranking 2022.
UEMK ranked 2nd in the list of West Bengal's Top 10 Private Engineering college by Economic Times on 22nd July, 2022.
UEMK ranked 3rd in Kolkata and 5th in East Zone
Ranked 21 and top in West Bengal
Ranked 44 in top 100 BBA Institutions in India
Approved as a member of the Indian Chamber of Commerce
Best Hotel &amp; Hospitality management category in Eastern India
Ranked 68th nationally and ranked 8th in Eastern India
3rd best Engineering Institute in West Bengal in the Times Top Engineering Institute ranking 2020
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2016
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