Prof. Indrani Bhattacharyya, Head, Research Council, University of Engineering & Management (UEM) was invited for the prestigious position as member of steering committee of International Symposium of Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT), a truly multidisciplinary #Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Opto-electronics.
Prof. Bhattacharyya of UEM Kolkata was the only professor of India to be present in the prestigious steering committee.
She also gave her Invited Talk on 8-Nov-2016, Tuesday from 9:00-9:30 am, which created attention amongst the #Scientific_Community. It created a scope of immense #collaboration of UEM Kolkata with prestigious Universities all over the world and also, our students to take part in ISOT in near future.
Prof. Bhattacharyya proposed ISOT-2017 to be held in India, and UEM Kolkata & Jaipur to be the host. The steering committee of ISOM, International Society for Optomechatronic Technology has accepted the proposal.
The speakers were:-
1) Prof. J. W. Kim from South Korean Institute of Technology
2) Prof. Toru Yashizawa from Tokyo University-Founder member of ISOM, Prof. Wong from Korean Institute of Technology
3) Prof. Rainer Tusch - President of ISOM from Germany
4) Prof. Muzutani from University of Osaka
5) Prof. Jonathan Koffman from Germany
6) Prof. Hidetoshi Katori, Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan. It is a probability that Prof. Katori may be awarded Nobel in next year.
7) Prof. Y. Otani, General Chair, ISOT 2016
8) Mr. T. Sakamoto Mayor of Tokyo-Itabashi City
9) J. Tsujiuchi, Prof. Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Prof. Bhattacharyya visited Riken Industry, Material Fabrication Lab, Topcon Corp. followed by Opto-electronic lab visit at Utsunomiya University, where there is a huge scope of Indian students wiring under professors of USA, Canada etc.