University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata witnessed ‘Google’ at its best!
The day was fulfilled with:
i) Lots of tech-talks about different Google products, both existing and upcoming by many renowned top-end developers certified by Google. These include Google services across the country like free wifi, mobile services, etc. Then discussion about mobile app development with less lines of code but with better implementation and optimization. And then about Machine Learning and its uses in the future in Google. The discussion about automated chat-bots using Artificial Intelligence is also encouraged.
ii) ‘Women Tech-makers’ challenge, their journey throughout their life, the journey from almost nobody to a leading Google developers. The women empowerment, that should also reflect to the Technology building is also discussed on a specific ‘panel discussion’ session.
iii) Fun activities with the audience, i.e., the enthusiastic student developers, the working professionals, everyone. The activities include quiz, interactive sessions, question-answer session, etc.
iv) The last but not the least, the event ended with around 3-4 hours discussion about “flutter”, Google own’s open-source mobile application development SDK. These include live developing of apps using flutter technology created by Google.
Some of the speakers include:
1) Pawan Kumar, Google Developer Expert for Flutter. Speaker, Entrepreneur, YouTuber.
2) Dhrumil Shah, Mobile Developer at Shipmnts, Co-organizer at GDG Ahmedabad Founder at Flutter Flakes.
3) Abhishek Rungta, CEO Indus Net Technologies.
4) Prajyot Mainkar, Android Man of Goa, Founder of Androcid Media, Speaker, over 8 years of spreading knowledge.
5) Somrwita Guha, Founder, Papercup.
6) Meghna Bhutoria, Founder, Makersloft.
7) Manjir Chatterjee, Founder, Folk .
8) Rivu Chakraborty, GDG Kolkata Lead, Kotlin Evangelist, DroidJam.