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University of Engineering and Management Kolkata


Tug of Word’s War

Teacher’s day

Round Table Conference in association with Australian National Library

Round Table Conference


Police Station Visit

NGT Visit

Legal Startups and Innovation

Guest Lectures

De Novo Advocare 1.0

Child Rights and Youth (CRY), NGO

American Centre Visit

SUBHAYU BANERJEE Honorary Visit of Additional District
judge and Registrar of National Green Tribunal Kolkata
Dept. Of Law UEMK Kolkata
Webinar on Role of the Nation Green Tribunal in Protection of the
Environment by Mr. Subhayu Bannerjee (Registrar, National Green
Tribunal; eastern Zonal Bench, Kolkata)
Moort Court Training by Ms. Monalisa Saha, Ex Research
Associate at NUJS Kolkata and Assistant Professor at Burdwan
Seminar on Rule of Law and Criminal Justice syatem by Paromita
Mukhopadhyay, Advocate, Calcutta High Court
Webinar on How to go about Legal Research: An Observation by
Dr, Sambhu Prasad Chakraborty (Head and Research Fellow,
Centre for regulatory Studies Governance amd Public Policies;
CYBER CRIME AND ROLE OF LAW; Arranged by The Dept. Of
Law UEMK Kolkata
Law Lecture Series
1. Prof. Dr. S.N. Mondal (Cyber laws- 1 hr 30 mins)

2. Prof. Dr. A.K. Poddar (Environmental law and public trust doctrine- 1 hr 30 mins)

3. Prof. Dr. Anirban Majumdar (Motivation for legal studies -1 hr 30 mins)

4. Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari (Motivation for legal studies- 1 hr 30 mins)

5. Dr. Prem Kumar Agarwal (Motivation for legal studies- 1 hr 30 mins)

1. Retired Justice Indrajit Chatterjee (Public interest litigation and justice- 1 hr 30 mins)
2. Amitava Chaudhuri,Senior Advocate (Constitutional law- 1 hr 30 mins)

3. Justice Pradipta Roy (Motivational speech for legal studies- 1 hr 30 mins)

4. Jayanta Narayan Chattopadhyay, Advocate (Criminal law- 1 hr 30 mins)

5. Samar Chakraborty, Senior Advocate (Motivational speech for legal studies- 1 hr 30 mins)

Moot Court
DELETION OF ARTICLE 370: IT’S RETROSPECT AND PROSPECTS 23.07.2019, 31.07.2019, 02.08.2019, 13.08.2019, 20.08.2019, 03.09.2019
1. Night Curfew-How efficient in tackling the pandemic problem?

2. Right to Privacy is a farce in the modern age of social media life.

3. Are Live-In-Relationships legal in India?

4. Does legalization of prostitution protect such women?

5. Should voters need to have basic educational qualifications?

6. Should Hindi be the national language?

7. Increasing significance of medical laws in pandemic crisis.

8. The legal aspects of suicide in the light of Fundamental Rights.

9. The working of Digital payment system in India.

10. The rights of sex workers.

1. Drinking and Driving need tougher laws.

2. Workplace laws and Rights of Women in India.

3. How can law students make this lockdown productive?

4. Breach of Right to Life in the era of COVID-19.

5. Revocation of Article 370.

6. Government’s role in maintaining sufficient health and nutrition & access to Health care.

7. Laws and Policies related to COVID-19 & its impact on our lives.

8. Cyber Crimes- Is it a threat to the society?

9. The freedom of one person is limited by the freedom of another one.

10. Punishment should not be a revenge. It should be a rehabilitation course.

1. Whether Universal Healthcare is a basic human right or not.

2. Sabrimala Verdict- Whether it is a threat or progressive to traditions.

3. Should we support Death Penalty/Capital Punishment or not.

4. Increasing the age of marriage for girls in India from 18 to 21- justifiedor not.

5. Whether the appointment of Supreme Court Judges should be through

the process of NJAC or through Collegium.

6. IPC 498A: Whether it is misused or useful.

18.02.2022, 25.02.2022
Industry/Court Visit
IIIJS UEM in collaboration with District Legal Service Authority, Barasat- 20.09.2018
West Bengal State Legislative Assembly – 6.03.2019
High Court Visit 15.03.2019

3-day workshop on Law organized by Poor Man’s Legal Aid (from Susanta Basu Law Chamber) and attended by the students of Department of Law (IIIJS), University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata

The students of the Department of Law (IIIJS), University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata recently attended a Legal workshop named “3-day workshop on Law in collaboration with University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata” organized by “Poor Man’s Legal Aid” (from Susanta Basu Law Chamber), a social service organization based in Kolkata which is involved in helping poor people who need legal help and advice.

The workshop was mainly divided into two parts, the first part was a 2-day online workshop which was scheduled on 19th February, 2022 and 20th February, 2022. The time of both the days was 8 pm to 10 pm. The online workshops were conducted through Google meet. The second part of the workshop was a visit to the High Court, Calcutta which was held on 28th March, 2022.

On the first day of the workshop, i.e., on 19th February, 2022, Advocate Hirak Sinha was the speaker who delivered his speech on C.P.C & other Tribunals. And on the next day, i.e., on 20th February, 2022 (the 2nd day of the workshop) Advocate Soumyajit Raha was the speaker who delivered his speech on Criminology. On the 3rd day, the students visited the Calcutta High Court and City Civil Court, Calcutta on 28th March, 2022.

Students from all academic years, i.e., from the 1st year to the 4th year were eligible to attend the workshop. A total of 42 students from the department spontaneously participated in all the programmes scheduled on these 3 days. They took part in the Q&A round in the online workshops and also in the High Court visit.

The whole workshop was organized, coordinated and managed by the immense support and guidance of Mr. Shyamal Kumar Das, a member of the organization. Without him the workshop would not have been successful. Two Faculty members, Prof. Sarbani Sarkar and Prof. Niladri Mondal from the department side (UEM, Kolkata) were the faculty coordinators on the day of High Court visit held on 28th March, 2022. The students were guided by two Advocates, Adv. Gautam Roy and Adv. Samriddha Deb under whose supervision the High Court visit was successfully conducted.

The main objective of this 3-day workshop was to help students observe and understand the daily workings of the High Court and gain practical experience beneficial for their career, which became successful by the participation of the students, faculty members and cooperation from the coordinator and the entire team of the organization.

News & Achievements
UEM Kolkata ranked 43 in Top 175 - Govt and Private - All India Ranking 40 in Top 125 Private Institutions- All India Ranking 28 in Top 70 Private Institutions - Placement - All India Ranking 7 in Region wise Ranking
UEMK received 1st rank in the State of West Bengal and 3rd rank in Eastern and Central region.
UEMK received <strong>2nd Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST ENGINEERING COLLEGE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>1st Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR LAW COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong>
UEMK received an all-India rank of 34 in the Emerging Engineering Colleges of India list as listed by India Today.
UEMK has been ranked 7th within the top 14 B-school in Eastern zone and ranked 20th within the top 36 Private University in India.
UEMK has received A+ Grade and Diamond Category in Sustainable Institutions of India Green Ranking 2023, done by R. World Institutional Ranking, in pursuit of excellence towards practicing sustainable education.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best BBA Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best Engineering Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
UEMK ranked 56 by India Today in the list of India's Best University Ranking 2022.
UEMK ranked 2nd in the list of West Bengal's Top 10 Private Engineering college by Economic Times on 22nd July, 2022.
UEMK ranked 3rd in Kolkata and 5th in East Zone
Ranked 21 and top in West Bengal
Ranked 44 in top 100 BBA Institutions in India
Approved as a member of the Indian Chamber of Commerce
Best Hotel &amp; Hospitality management category in Eastern India
Ranked 68th nationally and ranked 8th in Eastern India
3rd best Engineering Institute in West Bengal in the Times Top Engineering Institute ranking 2020
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2016
Press Releases