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University of Engineering and Management Kolkata

Department of Computer Applications

About Us

UEM, with its National awards of excellence from National Education Excellence Awards and Asia Education Summit, is being rated now as the best amongst the Universities in Kolkata and the also the best department of Computer Applications in Kolkata. The industry-oriented innovation in syllabus makes these courses of UEM contemporary and demanding.
The department aims to develop academically competent and professionally motivated personals, equipped with objective and critical thinking that compassionately foster the scientific temper with a sense of social responsibility. The Department aims at providing high-quality training to students through the latest in computer technology. In order to maintain the standard of education, the department constantly upgrades the academic syllabi so as to keep the students well trained to deal with changing trends in the field of Computer Science and Technology. The syllabi and courseware are planned to be flexible and wide-ranging, incorporating the cutting edge as well as ensuring a firm grasp of core fundamentals.


To contribute to the society through excellence in scientific and knowledge-based education utilizing the potential of Computer Applications with a deep passion for wisdom, culture and values.


  • To make the department as a Center for excellence in Technical Education & Research.
  • To strive to touch global benchmark in shaping Computer Applications students technologically updated with recent trends.
  • To produce competent Professionals to become part of top notch industries and research organizations at national and international levels.
  • To foster Computer Applications students technologically up-to-date and endow with high end environment of learning to make them competent with research and innovation.


The Department of Computer Applications provides an environment to students motivating them to adopt a want to learn culture through a state of art infrastructure. We offer the best teaching methodologies through classroom and laboratory exercises (offering hybrid mode of teaching – face-to-face as well as online) and cultivate a mindset among students to be inquisitive. We visualize being the first choice in the state/country among aspiring students. Our philosophy is simple: Strive to offer a personalized, flexible, challenging, and rewarding Under Graduate (BCA) and Post Graduate (MCA) program covering the essentials of contemporary Computer Applications. The skills and education imparted enable students utilize new technologies and prepare them for key technology application and decision-making. The learning experience is wholesome, tailored to suit the needs of the industry and independent career development. Our students are capable of making a highly informed choice of their careers and quite sought after by many of the premier organizations. True to the UEM values, our students stand out with respect to integrity, leadership, fairness, and excellence. We not only make them excellent students but give back to society excellent human beings. We invite all aspiring students and their parents to visit us and experience UEM culture where students achieve excellence in any field they choose to his/her highest potential.



Major Facilities

Major Facilities
News & Achievements
UEM Kolkata ranked 43 in Top 175 - Govt and Private - All India Ranking 40 in Top 125 Private Institutions- All India Ranking 28 in Top 70 Private Institutions - Placement - All India Ranking 7 in Region wise Ranking
UEMK received 1st rank in the State of West Bengal and 3rd rank in Eastern and Central region.
UEMK received <strong>2nd Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST ENGINEERING COLLEGE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong> and <strong>1st Rank</strong> in the list of <strong>BEST INSTITUTE FOR LAW COURSE IN WEST BENGAL</strong>
UEMK received an all-India rank of 34 in the Emerging Engineering Colleges of India list as listed by India Today.
UEMK has been ranked 7th within the top 14 B-school in Eastern zone and ranked 20th within the top 36 Private University in India.
UEMK has received A+ Grade and Diamond Category in Sustainable Institutions of India Green Ranking 2023, done by R. World Institutional Ranking, in pursuit of excellence towards practicing sustainable education.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best BBA Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
IEM-UEM group bagged the top positions in the List of Best Engineering Colleges of West Bengal in 2023, ranked by Times Ranking in Times of India.
UEMK ranked 56 by India Today in the list of India's Best University Ranking 2022.
UEMK ranked 2nd in the list of West Bengal's Top 10 Private Engineering college by Economic Times on 22nd July, 2022.
UEMK ranked 3rd in Kolkata and 5th in East Zone
Ranked 21 and top in West Bengal
Ranked 44 in top 100 BBA Institutions in India
Approved as a member of the Indian Chamber of Commerce
Best Hotel &amp; Hospitality management category in Eastern India
Ranked 68th nationally and ranked 8th in Eastern India
3rd best Engineering Institute in West Bengal in the Times Top Engineering Institute ranking 2020
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2016
Press Releases