University of Engineering and Management Kolkata
Paper Publications
Dr. Sujit Dutta
- Article entitled “The Influencing Factors on Cash Turnover of National Stock Exchange – An Empirical Study” published in ‘The Management Accountant’ ( ISSN No.: 0972-3528) in November 2011, Vol. 46, No. 11, P 1055-1062 (Co-authored by Prof. Ranjan Dasgupta).
- Article entitled “Carbon Accounting Challenges in India – Some Practical Issues” published in ‘The Management Accountant’( ISSN No.: 0972-3528 )in January 2012, Vol. 47, No. 1, P 91-94 and 108 (Co-authored by Prof. Ranjan Dasgupta).
- Article entitled “Clean Development Mechanism – a Pathway To Future Sustainable Development” published in ‘The Management Accountant’( ISSN No.: 0972-3528) in March 2012, Vol. 47, No. 3, P 260-261 and 266.
- Article entitled “FIIs and Indian Stock Markets-Emerging Issues From A Literature Review Post 2000” published in IEM International Journal of Management & Technology (IEMIJMT) (ISSN No.: 2296-6611) in January 2012, Vol. 2, No(1), P 38-49 (Co-authored by Prof. Ranjan Dasgupta).
- Article entitled “Managerial Perceptions of Low Carbon Economy- A Study” published in Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management (ISSN: 0975-2854) in August 2014, Vol. 7 No (1) P 7-20 (Co-authored by Prof. (Dr.) Sujit Roy)
- Article entitled “The Impact of Climate Change on Business – Evidences from the Indian Corporate Sector” published in Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship (ISSN No: 2231-167X) in October 2014, Vol. 4 No (4) P 200-212 (Co-authored by Prof. (Dr. Sujit Roy).
- Article entitled “Carbon Credit and its Relevance in the Present Scenario” published in Indian Journal of Management : Prabandhan in August 2015 Vol. 8 No (8) P 39-50.
- Article entitled “ Green Growth Initiatives :A pathway to Corporate Social Responsibility” published in ICTAT Journal of Management Studies: August 2016 Vol. 2 No( 3), P342-348
Prof. Asok Bannerjee
- Sanyal, Shamindra Nath, Datta, Saroj Kumar and Banerjee, Asok Kumar (2013), “Attitude of Indian Consumers towards Luxury Brand Purchase: An Application of “Attitude Scale to Luxury Items”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (An Inderscience Publication) (ISSN 1753-0806, Print) (forthcoming).
- Sanyal, Shamindra Nath, Datta, Saroj Kumar and Banerjee, Asok Kumar (2012), “Conceptualisation of Branding: Strategy Based on Indian Pharma Sector”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (An Emerald Group Publication) Vol. 7, No. 2 (ISSN: 1750-6123). This is a Scopus-Indexed Journal.
- Banerjee, Asok Kumar and Gomes, S.M (2010), “Enhancing Performance of Supply Chains through Benchmarking – A Case Study”, accepted for publication in Vista, Journal of JIS Group.
- Sanyal, Shamindra Nath and Banerjee, Asok Kumar (2010), “Importance of Brand Equity and Distribution in Competitive Business Environment- An Indian Case Studies Approach”, in Lubna Nafees, Omkumar Krishnan and Tim Gore (eds.), BRAND RESEARCH, Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi.
Dr. Swati Mukherjee
- An article on “ A strategic frame work for customers’ preferences towards value added retail services: A Study on West Bengal Retail Market” published in Synergy, ITS Journal of I.T & Management. Vol. 10, No. 2, July 2012.ISSN No.2079-8047
- An article entitled “A Study on Age and Income wise preference of customers towards different retail formats in West Bengal” has been accepted for publication in Business Sciences International Research Journal ISSN No. 2321-3191
- An Article on “ Microfinance Program Through SHG – Bank Linkage and Rural Development:- A micro level comparative study towards empowerment of poor people, especially women in the rural areas of Burdwan and Birbhum districts of West Bengal” published in a book “Economic Reforms and Agriculture Development” on behalf of Indian Economic Association, edited by Prof. Anil Kr. Thakur and Prof. Praveen Sharma, Published by Deep and Deep Publishing House, New Delhi 2011, P 26-65.
Prof. Anuradha Saha
- Saha. A and Pyne. P, “Awareness and Availing of Banking Facilities by Individual: A Study on Kolkata Region”, in the publication “EIRC News”, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Vol. 7, No. 07, 15 August, 2014, ISSN:- 2320-1584
- Saha.A, “Awareness Of Insurance Product In India: A Study On Kolkata Region” presented in the “National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business and Management”, WBSU, March 2016
Dr. Shamik Pal
- Roy, J., A.-M. Dowd, A. Muller, S. Pal and N. Prata, 2012: Chapter 21 – Lifestyles, Well-Being and Energy. In Global Energy Assessment – Toward a Sustainable Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, pp. 1527-1548.
Prof. Sourav Banerjee
- “An Emprical Study of Consumer’s Channel – Switching Behavior DSuring Television Commercials” Published in “Survey” IISWBM, Dec 2010, Vol 50 , No. 3 & 4, P 95-107 ISSN Number 0586-0008