University of Engineering and Management Kolkata
Message from Director Management
Our attempt has been to lay a solid foundation among the students so that they can learn further.
I have immense pleasure in presenting the MBA students of Batch 2015-17.
Our students get admitted in MBA course through a rigorous selection process. For MBA, their rank in CAT and MAT are the eligibility criteria for admission. Our students have a diverse background.
IEM-UEM group places special emphasis on outcome-based learning. We, therefore, prepare our students for both employment in corporate and entrepreneurship. We expose them to real life situation by visits to industries – both in India and abroad, hands-on work experience during winter and summer internships, case studies and management games. We also have a Student-Exchange Program with ESC Rennes School of Business, France through which they learn to cope up with the diversities in employment. We also lay emphasis on discipline and value systems.
We expect our students to be a good employee, a leader of business and a responsible citizen.
I invite through the brochure Corporate, NGOs, Consultants, and Business Entities to come to our campus and adjudge the quality of our students for employment.
-Prof. P.K. Misra
Director cum Principal