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In the picture you can see 21 UEM JAIPUR students with 37 job offers till now.

We wholeheartedly congratulate Astha Prasad, Abhijit Saha, Rounak Chakraborty, Sounak Dutta, Surajit Das, Vaibhav Sandilya, Aritra Chandra, Abhishek Kumar, Abhradeep Das, Nabanit Saha, Priyam Pradhan, Ankit Agarwal, Souvik Goswami, Santanu Ray, Abhishek Kumar, Rajarshi Ghosh, Soumyadeep Pal, Rohan Singh, Ritambhar Biswas, Debangshu Das, Nabanit Saha, B.Tech students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR for getting further job offer from WIPRO.

– 4th job offer for Astha. She had 3 more job offers from LIDO, Hawks Code Software and Maventic Innovative Solutions.
– 2nd job offer for Abhijit. He had 1 more job offer from Wittybrains Software.
– 3rd job offer for Rounak. He had 2 more job offers from Telecom Network Solutions and LIDO
– 3rd job offer from Aritra. He had 2 more job offers from TCS and Telecom Network Solutions
– 3rd job offer for Abhradeep. He had 2 more job offers from Mountblue Technologies and Metacube Software
– 2nd job offer for Priyam. He had 1 more job offer from Hawks Code Software
– 3rd job offer for Ankit. He had 2 more job offers from Wittybrains Software and Kreeti Technologies
– 3rd job offer for Pramit. He had 2 more job offers from TCS and CommerceX Ventures
– 2nd job offer for Soumyadeep. He had 1 more job offer from Plan Realty Consulting.
– Sounak, Surajit, Vaibhav, Abhishek, Pravin, Souvik, Santanu, Rajarshi, Rohan, Ritambhar, Debangshu and Nabanit did not opt for other placements.