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Research Committee

Departmental Research Committee (DRC)

In each Department of the University, academic matters related to the Ph.D. programme shall be supervised by a Departmental Research Committee consisting of the following:

  • Head of the Department: Chairman (ex-officio)
  • All the Professors of the Department: (ex-officio)
  • Associate Professors in the Department, subject to a maximum of two, by rotation according to seniority;
  • Two Assistant Professors in the Department, qualified to be Research (Ph.D.) Supervisor(s), by rotation according to seniority; and
  • One external expert to be called by the Head of Department out of the panel drawn by the

Where a Department has a strength of less than ten teachers, all faculty members eligible to be Research (Ph.D.) Supervisors shall be members of the Departmental Research Committee. The term of the members of the Departmental Research Committee, except the ex-officio members, shall be for two years.

At least, 50% of the members shall be required to be present in the meeting to form the quorum, with the presence of the Chairman or his/her representative as mandatory.

Where no teacher in the Department is eligible to be the Head, the Teacher-in-charge, if eligible to be Research (Ph.D.) Supervisor, shall convene the meetings of the DRC, failing which the members of the DRC may elect one of the members present at the meeting as the Chairperson of the Committee for the said meeting.

Research Advisory Committee

There shall be a Research Advisory Committee or an equivalent body for similar purpose for each Ph.D. scholar. The Research Supervisor of the scholar shall be the Convener of this Committee. This Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. To review the research proposal and finalize the topic of research;
  2. To guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
  3. To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.
  4. A research scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. The six monthly progress reports shall be submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the Institution/College with a copy to the research scholar.
  5. In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory, the Research Advisory Committee shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the Research Advisory Committee may recommend with specific reasons for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.


RAC shall consist of following members:

  1. Research Supervisor: Convener
  2. One member to be nominated by Head (Out of the panel of three names to be proposed by the Convener)
  3. One member to be nominated by Dean of Concerned School/Dean Research (Out of the panel of three names to be proposed by the Convener)