Electrotherapy lab
Short Description of the Lab
Electrotherapy lab is well equipped with equipments of LASER,
Ultrasonic therapy, Interferential Therapy, Neuro Muscular
Electrical Stimulator etc., Practicing in the labs gives excellent
opportunity for the students to sharpen their clinical acumen by
‘hands on’ exposure under guidance of experienced faculty.
Equipments Available
- TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
- SWD (Short wave diathermy).
- MWD (Micro wave diathermy).
- Traction unit.
- IFT (interferential therapy).
- US (ultrasound).
- LASER therapy unit.
- Body composition analyser
- CPM (continuous passive motion unit)
- PWB (paraffin wax bath).
- ES (electrical stimulator).
- Hydro collator machine with moist hot pack set.
- IRR lamp (infra-red radiation).
- UVR lamp (ultraviolet radiation).
- Whirlpool Bath
- 4 Couches.
- 4 Pillows
- 2 Steppers.
Exercise therapy lab
Exercise therapy
Short Description of the Lab
Exercise Therapy lab is equipped with state of art facilities of
gait re-education unit, strength training unit, balance and posture
rehab unit, movement therapy unit etc., Different exercise
techniques are demonstrated in the lab and the students are
encouraged to practice these different techniques on each other or
on simulated models and gain confidence in performing theses skills
before implementing the same on the patients.
We all know the
benefits of being physically active and fit, not only for our
physical wellbeing – heart health, lung capacity, weight management
and a whole host of other benefits – but for our mental wellbeing
Exercise therapy uses specific stylished movements to
improve the way the body functions. It focuses on moving the body
and its different parts to relieve symptoms and improve mobility –
and of course levels of fitness.
Equipments Available
- Quadriceps Chair.
- Multi-Exercise Chair.
- Tilt Table.
- Parallel Bar.
- Static Cycle.
- Wall Ladder.
- Suspension Therapy apparatus.
- Therapeutic Balls.
- Hand dynamometer.
- Walkers
- Crutches (axillary crutch and elbow crutch).
- Cane
- Gripper
- Dumb Bells.
- Wobble Board.
- Weighing Machine.
- Postural Mirror.
- Shoulder Wheel.
- T-pulley
- Trampoline
- Goniometers
- Physio balls
- Medicine balls
- Bolsters
- Wheel chairs
- Weight cuffs
- Corner Stair and Ramp
- Standing frame
- CP chair
- Peg board
- Wedges
- Exercise mat
- Spirometer
- Peak flow meter
- Pulse Oxymeter
- Stadiometer
- Weighing machines
- Various Orthosis and Prosthesis
- Various Charts
- 4 Couches.
- 4 Pillows.
- 2 Steppers.
Physiology lab
Short Description of the Lab
The Human Physiology Laboratory introduces students to laboratory
techniques in the study of physiology and provides demonstrations of
processes learned in the Human Physiology. Laboratory activities
cover a wide range of topics from classic experiments in muscle,
nerve, and cardiac physiology to human exercise and ventilation
Equipments Available
- Medical Microscopes
- Slides set of 100
- P. Apparatus
- Stethoscopes
- Thermometers
- Inch Tapes
- Knee hammer
- Various illustrated charts of body systems
Anatomy lab
Short Description of the Lab
Each week students in the the Human Anatomy Lab participate in two
lab sessions. During this time students utilize human cadavers,
anatomical models, microscopes, HD TV viewing, photos, and x-rays to
learn and understand human anatomy. Individual and group-study is
emphasized& lecturers provide guidance one-on-one and in small
groups to clarify difficult concepts, and to address the concerns of
the students.
Equipments Available
- Muscles of upper limb with vessels and nerves.
- Muscles of lower limb with vessels and nerves
- Muscles of hand.
- Muscles of foot.
- Torso with head and removable parts.
- Head with muscles.
- Brain
- Anatomical heart.
- Heart, lungs and larynx.
- Kidney
- Flexible spine with pelvis.
- Adult skull.
- Imported skeleton.
- Disarticulated skeleton.
- Shoulder joint.
- Elbow joint.
- Wrist joint with bones of hand.
- Hip joint with pelvis.
- Knee joint.
- Ankle joint with bones of foot.
- Mannequins
- Various illustrated charts of body systems.