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University of Engineering & Management Jaipur

Paper Publications


1. Moutushi Singh, Rupayan Das Survey of Different techniques to Detect wormhole attack in wireless sensor Network International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN 2229-5518,pp:200-205, Volume 3, Issue 10,October-2012

2. T. Chatterjee and M. K Sarkar, Sixth Sense Technology Has Potential to Become the Ultimate “Transparent” User Interface for Accessing Information about Everything Around Us, International Journal of Report and Opinion, ISSN: 1553-9865, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp:1-7, ISSN: April 2013.
3. Mr. Kaushik Banerjee, Mr. Subhas Das, Mr. Rahul Sourav Singh,Mr. Souren Jana Automated Mineral Detection using Sonar Waves, International of Scientific & Engineering Research(IJSER),ISSN: 22295518, Volume 4,Issue 5, pp.112-115, May,2013
4. M. K Sarkar and T. Chatterjee, Reverse Engineering: An Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Object Oriented Programs by Extracting UML Interaction Diagram, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, ISSN: 2229-6093, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 378 -383, May-June 2013.
5. M. K Sarkar, T. Chatterjee and D. Mukherjee, Reverse Engineering: An Analysis of Static Behavior of Object Oriented Programs by Extracting UML Class Diagram, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, ISSN: 2249-7277, Vol. 3, Issue 12, Sept. 2013.

6. M. K Sarkar and T. Chatterjee, Enhancing Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Through Steganography, ACEEE International Journal on Network Security, ISSN: 2152-5064, Vol. 5, Issue. 1, pp: 13-19, Jan 2014.
7. Rahul Sourav Singh,Rupayan Das, Dipta Mukherjee,Prannay Bothra , RDR cube cipher an extension to Vignere Cipher,IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:22788727 Volume16,Issue2,Ver.III(Mar-Apr.2014),PP 64-71.
8. Kaustab Pal,Rupayan Das,Rahul Sourav Singh,Dipta Mukherjee,A Steganographic Approach to Data Obfuscation using Random Keyboard Mapping Technique International Journal of Computer Applications 105(11):35-37,DOI: 10.5120/18424-9742,November 2014.
9. Praveen Kumar Sharma, Sourav Saha, Saraswati Kumari -Study and Design of a Shannon-Energy-Envelope based Phonocardiogram Peak Spacing Analysis for Estimating Arrhythmic Heart-Beat”,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications- Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition.

10. Wrishin Sarkar, Himadri Nath Saha, Arpita Ghosh, Praveen Kr. Sharma- Modified Greedy Methodology to SolveTravelling Salesperson Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization and Comfort Factor- International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications- Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014 Edition.
11. Wrishin Sarkar, Himadri Nath Saha,Sourav Kumar Dhar, Sandipan Roy Advanced Heuristic Technique For Solving Travelling Salesperson Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization, IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,ISSN: 2277-5420,pp.11 June 2014.

12. M. K Sarkar, R. Das and Dr. V S Dhaka A Symmetric Key Based Framework for Data Security in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, ISSN: 0975-0282 Special Issue, Feb-2015.
13. T Chatterjee, M. K Sarkar and Dr. V S Dhaka Steganographic Approach to Ensure Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Using Huffman Coding (SAHC), IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, ISSN : 2277-5420, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp:198-207, April 2015.

16. Ratul Dey and Himadri Nath Saha Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETs) “A Review, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol. 5, Issue 1 ISSN 2278 “ 6856 February 2016


1. Dipta Mukherjee, Anandarup Mukherjee, Somen Nayak A Hybrid Stegano- Cryptographic Approach to Data Obfuscation Using LSB Technique, IEMCON, ISSN: 978-81-923777-9-7, 165-169, Auguest2013.

2. Anindya Shankar Shukla,Rupayan Das,Rahul Sourav Singh,Dipta Mukherjee Bar Cipher: A Robusttechnique for data hiding using the concept of Barcode,Procedings of 1st International Science & Technology Congress 2014,Elsevier publication,ISBN: 9789351072485.
3. Ratul Dey, Sanjay Chakraborty, Lopamudra Dey, Weather Forecasting using Convex Hull & K-mean Technique an Approach in proc. of ELSEVIER, IEMCONGRESS-2014, pp. 288-295

4. M. K Sarkar and R. Das, Dr. V S Dhaka A Symmetric Key Based Framework for Data Security in Cloud Computing , in National Conference on Current Research Trends in Cloud Computing & Big Data – CRTCCBD on Feb 6-7, 2015.

5. M. Singh, R. Das, M. K Sarkar, K. Majumder, S. K Sarkar KT3F: A Key based Two Tier Trust Management Filtering Scheme for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network in International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies – IC3T on July 24-26, 2015, AISC series of Springer11156.

6. Angshuman Khan,Souvik Saha,Asmita Chakraborty,Rupayan Das,Digital Multiplier to Multiply Special Integers using ancient Vedic Mathematics,International Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering and Technolog2015(ICIDRET2015).

7. Angshuman Khan,Rupayan Das,Novel Approach of Multiplier Design using ancient Vedic Mathematics,Second International Conference on Information systems Design and Intelligent Applications(INDIA-2015),Springer series of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC) Volume-340,pp.265-272,DOI:10.1007/978-81-322,247-7_28,January,2015.

8. Ratul Dey, Sanjay Chakraborty, Convex-hull & DBSCAN clustering to predict future weather in proc. of 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON -2015), IEEE Xplore Digital Library, October 2015 , pp. 1-8.

9. Saptarshi Banerjee, Arnab Majumdar, Himadri Nath Saha and Ratul Dey Modified Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based routing protocol for MANET, in proc. of 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON -2015), IEEE Xplore Digital Library, October 2015 , pp. 1-7.

News & Achievements
The University of Engineering and Management (UEM), Jaipur, successfully hosted the Valedictory Session of the AICTE Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Universal Human Values (UHV).
The University of Engineering and Management (UEM), Jaipur, successfully hosted the Valedictory Session of the AICTE Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Universal Human Values (UHV). The session marked the culmination of an insightful and enriching journey for the participating faculty members. The event began with participants enthusiastically sharing their experiences and key takeaways from the program. Their reflections highlighted the profound impact of the FDP in deepening their understanding of universal human values and their significance in academia. The Valedictory Address was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice Chancellor, UEM Jaipur, who emphasized the importance of fostering brotherhood and harmony in society. Drawing inspiration from visionaries like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Swami Vivekananda, he underscored the timeless principles of compassion, service, and ethical living that form the foundation of universal human values. The session also featured the felicitation of esteemed resource persons, including: Dr. Piush Sharma Dr. B.K. Sharma Dr. Alka Swami (Observer) Dr. B.K. Sharma, one of the resource persons, delivered the concluding remarks, commending UEM Jaipur’s commitment to promoting value-based education through such initiatives. The Vote of Thanks was presented by Prof. Dipta Mukherjee, who expressed gratitude to all contributors and participants for making the FDP a success. The event was further honored by the presence of: Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar, UEM Jaipur Prof. (Dr.) Mukesh Yadav, Associate Dean – Academics and Foreign Relations A total of 65 faculty members from various institutions actively participated, demonstrating their dedication to integrating universal human values into their teaching practices. The stage proceedings were seamlessly conducted by Prof. Shivani Saini, ensuring a smooth flow of events. At UEM Jaipur, we remain committed to nurturing holistic education by aligning with AICTE’s vision of value-based teaching. Through initiatives like these, we strive to empower educators with the knowledge and ethical foundations needed to shape responsible and compassionate future generations. #TopRankedUniversity#uemian#uem#UEMJaipur
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Mar 13, 2025
Faculty Development Program, UEM Jaipur, University, University Daily News, Valedictory Session
In 2023, Govt. of India, Ministry of Education has ranked UEM JAIPUR in 1st position in North-Western India through Institution's Innovation Council.
In 2022, UEM JAIPUR has ranked in 2nd position in entire North-Western India, under the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
"1st in Rajasthan State 3rd in All India (BCA & MCA Both)"
Award-Best University with quality Education in Jaipur in the Event Global Education Achievement Awards 2023
'GOLD BAND' with A Grade by R World Institution Ranking
'Govt. and Private Institutions- All India Ranks - 32 Top Private Institutions- All India Ranks- 26 1st in Rajasthan and 10th in Entire North India
In 2022, UEM JAIPUR has been ranked as the "Most Promising University" by Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements - ARIIA rankings, the 2nd most prestigious rankings by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
Most International Education Pride Award 2022 Trusted University for Innovation, Research and Placements in Rajasthan
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2016
"Just Careers" Magazine, 2011
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2015
NPTEL program (IIT Kharagpur and IIT Chennai), 2016
IEM - Best Self-financed Engineering Institute in West Bengal, "Picture Perfect" - ABP Group, 2010
Press Releases