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Research Council

Research Council

IEM E-Cell

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell was initiated in March, 2007 with a vision to promote Entrepreneurship amongst the students of IEM, Kolkata and to build an exhaustive resource pool to aid potential student entrepreneurs.

We envisioned EDC as a platform where any kind of help at any stage can be given, it must be able to provide him/her with right kind of resources or at least it must be able to guide him/her to the right path. We stepped further with the ideology of educating, mentoring and providing enterprising resources to budding entrepreneurs. In light of this we established an Incubation Center, and a strong network of Knowledge Mentors. We are continuously updating ourselves with the latest needs of our target audiences and trying our best to meet their expectations.

Renewable Energy Cell

The IEM Renewable Energy Club is an active independent organization which aims at creating a more secure future from the point of view of energy needs. The members of the club strive to generate awareness regarding the necessity to shift focus on renewable sources of energy and the club has also developed some small scale innovative models to generate energy from non-conventional sources. The present global energy needs are so highly dependent on conventional sources of energy that the non-renewable sources are depleting alarmingly and very soon the world will plunge into a dramatic global energy crisis. Moreover, generation of energy from these sources adds to the already prevalent problem of pollution. And since the fuels used at present will take generations to regenerate, the need for harnessing energy from renewable and non-conventional sources should be given utmost importance.

The active members of the club have decided to take a portion of the burden onto their own shoulders by organizing awareness campaigns and putting their minds together to think of ingenious ways to generate energy from non-conventional sources. The club tries to make the students and general public aware of the grave present scenario and how wastage of energy should be considered almost a cardinal sin. The club also actively participates in research and development programmes to build small scale projects and devices plans on how these projects can be implemented more feasibly on a larger scale. The club is progressing leaps and bounds in this field and hopes to continue doing so for years to come.

IEM Women Cell

The Centenary celebrations of the International Women’s Day were held at the Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata on 9th March, 2010 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Satya Sai Auditorium.The idea of an International Women’s Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies. This year – 2010 was the 100th year of International women’s day.


The Guest of Honour at the programme was entrepreneur Smt Sujata Dey- much acclaimed for her boutique- Darbari as well as her unique brainchild- her creative arts school- Alphaville. The programme started with a medley of inspiring songs sung by members of the Facultyat IEM. This was followed by the inauguration of the Women’s Cell of I.E.M.- “INSPIRATION” and the official launch of its web-site. The Welcome addresses of the two Principals of Engineering and Management campuses, Prof Dr Dipak Chatterjee and Prof PK Mishra, respectively were followed by the address of the Chief Guest, Smt. Sujata Dey.

After this was a Presentation on International Women’s Day by I.E.M.,Women’s Cell. The last two items were a skit by students of I.E.M. – “V is for Victory” and a Debate between the 1st year and 2nd year students of I.E.M. The topic for the debate was- “Behind every successful woman is herself”. The first year team spoke for the motion, while the second years were against the motion. The second year team was judged the winner and the best speaker award went to Avishek Chakrabarti of second year. The programme ended with the distribution of prizes and certificates and the vote of thanks.