University of Engineering & Management Jaipur
- Short title and commencement –
1.1 These Regulations may be called the First Regulations of the University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur.
1.2 They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette by the State Government.
- Summoning and holding of meetings of the authorities of the University, the quorum and conduct of business at such meetings, constitution, powers and duties of such authorities term of office of the membership, appointment and removal of members thereof-
2.1 The Board of Management – (1) Nominations shall be made for three years. Re-nomination can be made for three years at a time. Vacancies due to resignation or otherwise may be filled in within a period of six months for the rest of the tenure of the vacant position/s.
(2)(a) The Chancellor of the University shall preside over the meetings of the Board.
(b) In the absence of the Chancellor at any meeting of the Board, for any reason whatsoever, the Vice-Chancellor or a member of the Board nominated by the Chancellor shall preside over the meeting.
(3) In addition to the powers and functions as provided in the Act, the Board of Management shall have the following powers and functions, namely :-
- to approve of the recommendations of the Academic Council regarding new course/s to be introduced;
- to finalize the fees structure of different courses of the University;
- to approve of the proposals recommended by the Academic Council regarding creation of any new school/s of study, research department/s, Board/s of studies, or post/s of teachers and officers;
- to approve of the proposals recommended by the Academic Council regarding the terms and conditions of appointment(s) of Visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors, Consultants and Scholars:
- to confirm the decision of the Vice-Chancellor as approved by the Academic Council regarding acceptance or rejection of any thesis submitted by a candidate for the award of doctoral degrees;
- to maintain a register of donors of the University;
- to approve and/or issue directions to the officers of the University in regard to the budget, annual accounts and audit reports presented in its meetings.
- to enter into, modify, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University.
- any other power or function as may be entrusted to it by the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules of the University.
(4)(a) The Secretary of the Board of Management shall, under the direction of the Chancellor, issue the notice for a meeting of the Board along with agenda showing the business to be transacted, at least three days prior to the date of the meeting.
Provided that if, for any reason, the date fixed for a meeting is to be changed, fresh notice shall be issued in due time.
(5)(a) The Chancellor may, at his discretion, convene an urgent meeting of the Board.
(b) The Secretary shall, along with the notice of such urgent meeting, send a statement of business to be transacted at the meeting to all concerned.
(c) Such an urgent meeting, if convened, shall be treated as a meeting.
(6)(a) Any member desiring to move a proposal to be included in the agenda of a meeting shall forward the proposal to the Secretary, so as to reach him not later than three days before the date fixed for the meeting.
(b) The Secretary shall place all such proposals received from the members of the Board for inclusion in the agenda of a meeting before the Vice-Chancellor in time, who shall direct the Secretary to include in the agenda such proposals as are admissible. A proposal shall be admissible only if it –
- deals with only one matter;
- deals with a matter which falls within the power of the Board;
iii. does not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions or defamatory statements, including those which are likely to amount to contempt of court or breach of privilege of any House(s), nor does it refer to the character or conduct of any person;
- does not refer to a matter which is under adjudication by a court of law ; and
- does not raise substantially the same issue as that included as an item of the agenda and decided upon by the Board during the twelve months preceding the date of the meeting at which it is to be taken up.
(c) Proposals as directed not to be included in the agenda will be returned to the proposer with reason/s.
(7)(a) If the quorum is not present for a meeting within 60 minutes after the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned. The Secretary shall make a record of the fact which will be signed by the Chancellor, or by the person presiding over at the meeting.
(b) When a meeting of the Board of Management is adjourned for want of quorum as provided under (a) above, the Chancellor shall have power to reconvene the same to transact business mentioned in the original agenda. In such an event no quorum for holding a meeting shall be necessary.
(8) The Chancellor or the person presiding over a meeting of the Board of Management shall be the sole judge of any point of order raised in the meeting.
(9) Every issue of the agenda shall be decided via a secret ballot by a majority of votes of the members present and voting at the meeting. In the case of equality of votes, the Chancellor shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.
(10) A member who may like to dissent from a decision of the Board and expresses desire to give a note of dissent shall be brief and the note shall be confined to the point at issue. Personal reference of any kind as also attributing motives shall invariably be avoided and shall not be a part of the dissenting note. The dissenting note given by a member will be circulated along with the proceedings of the meeting in due course. Chancellor of the University will be empowered to take decision on behalf of the Board of Management when Board of Management is not in session, however, such decision taken by the Chancellor need to be placed before the Board of Management at the earliest opportunity or within six months whichever is earlier.
- Academic Council – (1) The Academic Council of the University shall consist of the following members, namely: –
(a) the Vice-Chancellor – Chairman
(b) the Deans of the Faculty Councils – Members
(c) two Professors nominated by the Vice-Chancellor one of whom shall be from outside the University – Members
(d) the Professors of the University – Members
(e) the Heads of the Departments of teaching – Members
(e) Registrar – Secretary
(2) The Vice-Chancellor of the University shall preside over the meetings of the Academic Council.
(3)(a) The Academic Council shall meet at least two times in a calendar year.
(b) The Vice-Chancellor shall fix the date, time and venue of the meetings.
(c) The Vice-Chancellor may, at any time, direct the Secretary to convene additional meetings, as and when required.
(d) In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, one of the Deans of the Faculty Councils, from amongst those being the members of the Board of Management nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, shall preside over a meeting.
- A written notice together with the agenda shall be circulated to the members of the Academic Council by the Secretary, at least three days prior to the date of the meeting;
provided that if the date fixed for the meeting is changed for any reason, fresh prior notice shall be issued in due time.
(5)(a) The quorum for a meeting of the Academic Council shall be fifty percent of the total number of members including the Vice-Chancellor, rounded off to the next integer. If a quorum is not present within 60 minutes after the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall not be held and the Secretary shall make a record of the fact and the same will be signed by the Vice-Chancellor or by the person presiding over the meeting.
(b) When a meeting of the Academic Council is adjourned for want of quorum as provided under (a) above, the Vice-Chancellor shall have power to reconvene the same to transact business mentioned in the original agenda.
(6)(a) The Vice-Chancellor may at his discretion convene an urgent meeting of the Academic Council.
(b) The Secretary shall, along with the notice of such urgent meeting, send a statement of business to be transacted at the meeting to all concerned.
(c) Such an urgent meeting, if convened, shall be treated as a meeting.
(7) The rulings of the Vice-Chancellor in regard to all questions of procedure in respect of the meetings of the Academic Council shall be final.
- Decisions at the meetings of the Academic Council shall be taken, if required, through a secret ballot, by a majority of votes of the members present and voting at the meeting. The Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to exercise a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member, incase, votes are equally divided.
- The proceedings of the meetings of the Academic Council shall be recorded by the Secretary. In the absence of the Registrar, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint any other person, not below the rank of Associate Professor, to act as the Secretary.
- In addition to the powers and functions prescribed in section 17 of the Act, the Academic Council shall have the following powers and functions, namely :-
- to consider any matter referred to or delegated to it by the Board of Management, and make recommendations thereto;
- to issue directions regarding methods of instructions, coordination of teaching among the Faculty Councils, evaluation of courses of studies and of research and maintenance and improvement of academic standards ;
- to promote and monitor coordination between various Faculty Councils, Departments, Centers; collaboration between the University and other institutions of higher learning and establish such committees as may be deemed necessary for the purposes.
- to consider matters of general academic interest either on its own, or on a reference by a Faculty Council/Department and to take appropriate action thereto;
- to recommend proposals to the Board of Management for approval regarding creation, abolition, amalgamation, sub-division, etc. of Faculty Councils, Departments, Boards of Studies and the like of the University;
- to consider and recommend to the Board of Management, proposals submitted by any Faculty Council or Research Board in respect of courses of study and research programmes, respectively;
- to recommend to the Vice-Chancellor regarding appointment of Visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors, Consultants and Scholars ;
- to consider and approve or reject the recommendation/s of the Research Board regarding any thesis submitted by a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) under any Faculty Council of the University;
- to make recommendation to the Board of Management with regard to –
- the Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates to be awarded by the University and the conditions thereof;
- the creation of posts required for teaching in the University, or abolition thereof, if required;
- the classification of the posts referred to in sub-clause (ii) above and the duties attached thereto as per University Grants Commission and other Regulatory Body norms ;
- fixation of remuneration and TA & DA payable to the examiners ;
- fixation of any amount payable for any service or assistance rendered to the University by persons other than the persons under sub clause (iv) above.
- to recognize Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates of other Universities or Institutions and to determine their corresponding status;
- to recommend institution of stipends, scholarships, medals and prizes and to fix, subject to any conditions prescribed by the Board of Management, the tenure, mode and prerequisites of award of fellowships, scholarships, medals and other prizes and to recommend award of the same ;
- to exercise general supervision over the conduct of the University examinations;
- to perform, in relation to academic matters, all such functions and to do all such acts as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of the provisions of the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations or the Rules of the University.
- Any decision having financial implication need to be vated by the Chief Finance Officer.
2.3 The Faculty Councils of the University :- (1) There shall be a Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies each corresponding to the following fields of study in the University:-
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Engineering
iii. Faculty of Management
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Arts
vii. Faculty of Commerce
viii. Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
- Faculty of Distance Education
- Any other Faculty as may be created by the University.
(2) In accordance with the provisions of section 23(2) of the Act, a Faculty Council shall consist of the following, namely:-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor – Chairman
(b) Dean of the Faculty Council concerned – Vice-Chairman
(c) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned – Members
(d) the Professors and the Associate Professors of the Faculty concerned – Members
(e) the Librarian of the University and if the post of Librarian is vacant then the person acting as Librarian of the University – Member
(f) five teachers of the University, other than professors and Associate Professors, to be nominated by the Chancellor – Members
(g) one person not below the rank of Associate Professor of the Faculty nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean – Secretary
(3) The powers and functions of a Faculty Council shall be:-
(i) to consider and recommend to the Academic Council courses of study, curricula and procedure of examinations, as prepared by the concerned Boards of Studies;
- to report to the Board of Management through the Academic Council the institution, composition or abolition of Boards of Studies;
- to recommend to the Academic Council conditions for the award of Degrees, Diplomas and other academic distinctions ;
- to consider any matter referred to it by the Board of Management or the Academic Council and recommend thereto;
- to recommend to the Academic Council the establishment, amalgamation, subdivision and abolition of the Departments or the Boards of Studies;
- to make recommendations to the Board of Management through Academic Council regarding re-organization of teaching and/or research and examination process in the subjects concerned;
- to consider any report or recommendation referred to it by the Boards of Studies and make recommendations thereto to the Academic Council.
- to refer any matter to the concerned Boards of studies attached to it; and
- any other function required to be performed under the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations or the Rules of the University.
(4)(a) The Faculty Councils shall ordinarily meet at least twice in a calendar year and at such other time as may be directed or fixed by the Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with the Dean concerned.
(b) The quorum for the meeting of a Faculty Council shall be at least one-third of the total number of its members, rounded off to the next integer.
(c) Notice of a meeting of the Faculty Council shall be sent at least three days before the date of the meeting, to each member by the concerned Secretary stating the date, time and place of the meeting, showing the agenda of business to be transacted at the meeting.
(d) The Vice-Chancellor may convene joint meetings of two or more Faculty Councils for the purpose of considering any matter of common academic interest and shall preside over such meeting. In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, one of the Deans nominated by him shall preside over it.
2.4 The Finance Committee of the University :- (1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following:-
(a) The Chancellor – Chairman;
(b) The Vice-Chancellor – Vice-Chairman;
(c) One person having special knowledge in financial matters, nominated by the Chancellor – Member;
(d) One person having expertise in finance and accounts/audit, nominated by the Board of Management – Member;
(e) One of the Deans of the Faculty Councils of the University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Member;
(f) the Registrar – Member;
(g) the Chief Finance Officer – Secretary.
(2) The powers and functions of the Finance Committee shall be –
(a) to make the budget estimates and financial planning for every financial year, taking into account the grants received/receivable, income from fees and other charges received/receivable by the University from students and others, and estimated expenditure under different heads of accounts, and place the same to the Board of Management well ahead of the beginning of a financial year for consideration and approval;
(b) to recommend the statement of audited accounts along with the audit report for a financial year and place the same to the Board of Management for consideration and approval, within six months from the beginning of the next financial year.
(c) Finance Committee must recommend to the Board of Management ways and means to keep the University financially healthy and ways to stop excess of wasteful expenses by the University.
(3) The Finance Committee shall have power and perform functions relating to the provisions of Section 30 of the Act and any other matter relating to the finance of the University, as may be referred to it by the Board of Management.
(4) The term of the nominated members shall be three years and such members will be eligible for re-nomination.
(5) At least two meetings of the Finance Committee shall be held in a financial year and such meetings shall be convened by the Secretary under the guidance of the Chairman in regard to the agenda, date, time and venue of a meeting. A notice of at least 7 days for the members shall be required and quorum for a meeting of the Finance Committee shall be five.
2.5 Other Authorities of the University:- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 11(d) of the Act, following authorities shall be the other authorities of the University:-
(i) the Boards of Studies ;
(ii) the Research Board;
(iii) the Examination Board;
(iv) the Publication Board;
- the Students Gymkhana
- and such other authorities as may be required from time to time and declared as such by the Board of Management.
2.6 The Boards of Studies– (1) There shall be a Board of Studies corresponding to a course of studies in a department under a Faculty Council.
(2) The Board of Studies shall consist of the following:-
(i) the Head of the department concerned – Chairman,
(ii) the teachers for the course/s of studies – Members,
(iii) two experts in the subject nominated by the Academic Council – Members
(iv) one expert from the industry, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Member
(v) one of the Associate/Assistant Professors of the Department, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Secretary
(3) The term of the nominated members of the Boards of Studies shall be of three years, and such members will be eligible for re-nomination.
The quorum for a meeting of a Board of Studies shall be at least fifty percent of the total number of its members, rounded off to the next integer.
(4) The Board of Management shall have the power, on the recommendation of the Academic Council or otherwise, to abolish any Board(s) of Studies.
(5) The powers and functions of the Boards of Studies shall be as follows, namely:-
- to prepare, update and recommend courses of studies, curricula and procedure of examinations for the respective course/s of study ;
(b) to recommended to the Academic Council on examination reform ;
- to prepare panel of proposed examiners for the University examinations and recommend the same to the Vice-Chancellor ; and
- to advise the Academic Council on any matter referred to them ;
(6)(a) The Boards of studies shall ordinarily meet at least twice a year and at such other times as may be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor.
(b) The Vice-Chancellor may convene joint meetings of two or more Boards of Studies for the purpose of considering any matter of common interest to such Boards of Studies and shall preside over such a meeting. In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, one of the Deans nominated by him shall preside over.
(c) Notice of meetings including joint meetings, shall be sent to each member by the concerned Secretary, at least three days before the date of the meeting, stating the date, time, place and the business to be transacted at the meeting.
(d) A Board of Studies may dispose of its business by meetings or correspondence or both.
- The Research Board :- (1) There shall be a Research Board consisting of the following:-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor – Chairman
(b) Deans of the Faculty Councils – Members
(c) Professors and Associate Professors of the University – Members
(d) three experts nominated by the Board of Management for a period of three years – Members
(e) One of the Professor-Members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Secretary
(2) The nominated members will be eligible for re-nomination.
(3) The powers and functions of the Research Board shall be as follows, namely:-
(a) to recommend to the Academic Council the minimum qualifications for a Research Supervisor ;
(b) to recommend to the Academic Council the names of University Professors and other teachers, for guiding research;
(c) to recommend the names of experts from outside the University to the Academic Council for guiding research ;
(d) to consider the recommendations of the Departmental Research Committees for registration of candidates for Ph.D. degree;
(e) to consider the cases of registration for doctoral degree where there is a change of subject or of research topic ;
(f) to review, if necessary, the evaluated progress report of a Research Supervisor regarding the work of a candidate for Ph.D. degree.
(g) to examine the cases of difference of opinions, if any, between examiners of a Ph.D. thesis and forward the recommendation thereto to the Academic Council.
(4)(a) The Research Board shall meet at least twice in an academic session.
(b) One-third of the total number of the members rounded off to the next integer, shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Research Board.
2.8 The Examination Board – (1) There shall be an Examination Board consisting of the following:-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor or his nominee not below the rank of the Dean of a Faculty Council – Chairman
(b) the Deans of the Faculty Councils – Members
(c) the Controller of Examinations – Secretary
- The Examination Board shall have the powers and function to –
(a) award general grace marks, if necessary, recording the basis and extent thereof, on the recommendation of the Grievance Redressal Committee for one or more papers of a University examination;
(b) advise the Board of Management or the Vice-Chancellor on any matter relating to any University examination on its own or on reference to it by any authority of the University.
(3)(a) The Examination Board shall meet at least once a year or whenever required as may be decided by the Vice-Chancellor.
(b) Three members shall form the quorum of a meeting.
2.9 The Publication Board – (1) The Publication Board shall consist of the following:-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor or his nominee not below the rank of the Dean of a Faculty Council –Chairman
(b) the Deans of Faculties – Members
(c) one nominee of the Board of Management – Member
(d) the Controller of Examinations – Member
(e) the University Librarian – Secretary
(2) The functions of the Publication Board shall be to undertake, with the approval of the Board of Management, the publication of:-
(a) the University Journal,
(b) books, magazines, periodicals, case studies, newspapers and news-letters, and
(c) any other work, literary, scientific or technical, considered appropriate by it.
(3)(a) The Publication Board shall meet at least once a year or whenever convened by the Chairman, with a notice of at least three days.
(b) One-third of the total number of members, rounded off to the next integer, shall form the quorum of a meeting.
2.10 The Students’ Gymkhana – (1) The Students’ Gymkhana shall be a students’ body of the University.
(2) The students’ Gymkhana shall consist of the following:-
(a) the Chancellor – Chief Patron;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor – Patron;
(c) one teacher of the University nominated by the Chancellor – Chairman;
(d)(i) one student representative from each class, course-wise and academic session-wise, of the teaching departments of the University, nominated by the Head of the Department concerned, on the basis of one’s academic records, regularity in class attendance, attitude and potential for giving selfless service to others including one’s colleagues, and one’s capacity to work with a spirit of co-operation and in unison with other members of the University and a strong will to maintain and sustain a corporate life of the University – Executive Members;
(ii) one research student, if any, from each department, nominated by the concerned Dean of the Faculty council in consultation with the Head of the Department to which the research students belongs, on the basis of the criteria as mentioned in (i) above – Executive Members;
(e)(i) one of the Executive Members other than a research student representative, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Convener;.
(ii) Another Executive Member other than a research student representative, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor – Treasurer
(3) The functions of the Students’ Gymkhana shall be to undertake, with the approval of the Board of Management, the following:-
(a) Dealing with the students’ welfare issues like maintenance and improvement of academic standard in every teaching department, updating and continuous improvement of the syllabi, development and improvement of communication skills, written as well as oral; tutorial and compensatory classes; arranging seminars, conferences, sports and games and cultural functions including Annual Sports and Annual Cultural Events; improving placement potentials and activities; arranging health check-up programs at least once a year and taking care of the general health of the students; maintaining and improving a healthy and congenial living condition and a proper learning atmosphere in the hostels and continuously monitoring the same; taking care of the canteen facilities in the University especially regarding standard of food being served and cleanliness of the kitchen including the utensils and supply of safe drinking water; neatness and cleanliness of the University campus as a whole, especially of the classrooms, stair-cases and passages, laboratories, libraries, wash rooms, common rooms, indoor games spaces, and maintaining the discipline in the University campus including the hostels; etc.
(b) Giving recommendations/suggestions for enhancing the standard of education being imparted and the research facilities; and for enhancing the University’s image to the members of the University community as well as to the outside world; and to make the students in general conscious in this regards.
(4)(a) The Student’s Gymkhana meetings will be held once every two months, with a notice of at least 7 days and stating the agenda of the meeting by the Convener, under the guidance and direction of the Chairman, on any working day after the University classes are over; provided that additional meetings may be held if so felt by the Chairman, Convener and the Treasurer; provided that Gymkhana activities shall not affect in any way the academic programs of the University.
(b) Fifty percent of the total number of members of the Students’ Gymkhana excluding the Chairman, rounded off to the next integer, shall form the quorum of a meeting.
(5) The Convener and the Treasurer will hold office in the Students’ Gymkhana for one academic session only and shall not be eligible to be re-nominated for such offices; however, they shall be eligible for re-nomination as Executive Members for upto two academic years so that more students get opportunity to work for this student body and learn the organisational skills.
(6) If a student is a defaulter in respect of payment of tuition and other fees; or has percentage of attendance in classes including laboratory and tutorial ones, of less than 80% in the previous academic session; or has supplementary examination/back papers pending, or has been found indisciplined by the Head of the concerned Department, he/she will not be eligible for nomination to be an Executive Member.
(7)(a) The Students’ Gymkhana will be funded by the University, as and when necessary, on the basis of budget estimates prepared by it as well as on the basis of specific programmes, as decided upon in its meetings; provided that in cases of urgency / emergency, the Chairman shall obtain necessary approval from the Vice-Chancellor for sanction of money to meet an urgent / emergent situation, and the matter be reported to the next meeting of the Gymkhana.
(b) The students’ Gymkhana or any of its Executive Members shall not collect any fund or any other facility either from the students of the University or from any outside source without written consent of the Vice-Chancellor.
(c)(i) The Students’ Gymkhana shall prepare an Annual Report of its activities which shall be discussed at one of its meetings and adopted;
(ii) The Students’ Gymkhana shall prepare its Annual Accounts, have the same audited and shall forward the same after adoption to the Board of Management.
(8) In case of a dispute arising between the Chairman and Executive Members, or any difficulty arising in regard to the functioning of the Students’ Gymkhana, which the Executive Members are not in a position to resolve, the matter shall be referred to the Vice-Chancellor whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding to all concerned, provided that if the Vice-Chancellor so desires, he may refer the matter to the Chancellor, who may, after considering the gravity of the situation, dissolve the Gymkhana and order for the constitution of a fresh Students’ Gymkhana as per provisions made under clause 12(2) above for the rest of the tenure.
2.11 General provisions relating to the authorities –
(1)(a) Vice-Chancellor of the University may appoint as many standing or special committees as he/she may deem fit, and may include in such committees faculty/staff members. Minimum number of members for any committee/authority shall be three and maximum shall be ten members.
(b) A committee appointed under clause (a) above may deal with any matter not referred to it, subject to subsequent confirmation by the authority appointing it.
(2) Where no provision is made for a Chairman to preside over a meeting of any authority of the University or any committee of such authority or when the Chairman so provided for, is absent, the members present shall elect one from amongst its members themselves in order of preference of Dean, Professor, Head of Department or Associate Processor or Senior staff member, to preside over at such a meeting.
- A member of an authority who remains absent from its three consecutive meetings without prior information shall lose membership of such authority.
- The power and functions to be exercised and discharged by the Chancellor –
The Chancellor – In addition to the powers and functions prescribed in section 14(4) of the Act, the Chancellor shall have the following powers and functions, namely:-
(a) to authorize and control all expenditure and payments made from out of the University funds,
(b) to act as Chairman of all Selection Committees constituted for appointment against any post other than class-IV staff,
(c) to cause an inspection to be made by such University Officer(s) or person(s) as he may direct, of the University, any of its Schools, Departments, any examination matter, teaching and any other work conducted or done by the University and cause an enquiry to be made in a like manner in respect of any matter connected with the University,
(d) to interpret any provision of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the University and
(e) to exercise any power, if he is of the opinion that immediate action is necessary in any matter, conferred by or under the Act or the Statues, on any authority of the University and report to the Board of Management at its next meeting the action taken by him in such matters,
(f) to exercise such other powers as may be prescribed by the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations or the Rules.
- Different courses, procedure and criteria for admissions, fee structures –
In addition t the criteria as provided under Section 6(i), Section 34 and Section 5(1) and 5(2) of the Act,
4.1 B.Tech
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Approx Rs. 40,000/- per semester.
(3) Duration – 4 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – WBJEE or JEE Main counselling. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – 1. As per norms of counselling laid down by the State Govt., if any.
- 60% marks in class X and XII for direct admission, if any.
- Must have Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in class XII. (Biology in lieu of Mathematics for Bio-Technology stream)
4.2 B. Tech + M. Tech
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 40,000/- for first 8 semesters & Rs. 75,000/- for last 2 semesters
(3) Duration – 5 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – WBJEE or JEE Main counselling. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – 1. As per norms of counselling laid down by the State Govt., if any.
- 60% marks in class X and XII for direct admission, if any.
- Must have Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in class XII. (Biology in lieu of Mathematics for Bio-Technology stream)
4.3 B. Tech + MBA
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 40,000/- for first 8 semesters & Rs. 1,30,000/- for last 2 semesters
(3) Duration – 5 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – WBJEE or JEE Main counselling. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – 1. As per norms of counselling laid down by the State Govt., if any.
- 60% marks in class X and XII for direct admission, if any.
- Must have Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in class XII. (Biology in lieu of Mathematics for Bio-Technology stream)
4.4 BBA
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 50,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 3 Years
(3) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(4) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(5) Eligibility – 50% marks in class X and XII.
4.5 BBA + MBA
(1) Streams –
(i) Finance,
(ii) Human Resources,
(iii) Marketing,
(iv) Systems
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 50,000/- for first 6 semesters & Rs. 1,30,000/- for last 2 semesters
(3) Duration – 4 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(6) Eligibility – 50% marks in class X and XII.
4.6 BCA
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 50,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 3 Years
(3) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(4) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(5) Eligibility – 50% marks in class X and XII with Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science/Computer Applications/Business Mathematics as one of the compulsory subjects in class XII.
4.7 BCA + MCA
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 50,000/- for first 6 semesters & Rs. 60,000/- for last 4 semesters
(2) Duration – 5 Years
(3) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(4) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(5) Eligibility – 50% marks in class X and XII with Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science/Computer Applications/Business Mathematics as one of the compulsory subjects in class XII.
4.8 B. Stat
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 40,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 3 Years
(3) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(4) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(5) Eligibility – 60% marks in class X and XII with Mathematics/Statistics as one of the compulsory subjects in class XII.
4.9 MBA
(1) Streams –
(i) Finance,
(ii) Human Resources,
(iii) Marketing,
(iv) Systems
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 1,30,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 2 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – CAT/MAT/WBJE MAT/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – 50% marks throughout career up to graduation.
4.10 MBA + Ph. D
(1) Streams –
(i) Finance,
(ii) Human Resources,
(iii) Marketing,
(iv) Systems
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) –
(i) Admission fees Rs. 75,000/-
(ii) Fees Rs. 35,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 4 Years minimum
(4) Intake – 60 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission –
(i) CAT/MAT/WBJE MAT/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt
(ii) University Entrance Test
(6) Eligibility – 60% marks throughout career up to graduation.
4.11 MBA (Executive)
(1) Streams –
(i) Finance,
(ii) Human Resources,
(iii) Marketing,
(iv) Systems
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 1,30,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 2 Years
(4) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – CAT/MAT/WBJE MAT/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seats may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt
(6) Eligibility – 50% marks throughout career up to graduation.
4.12 MCA
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 60,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 3 Years
(3) Intake – 180 per Specialization
(4) Procedures for Admission – WB JECA/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seat may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt
(5) Eligibility – BCA or B.Sc. with 60% marks.
4.13 MCA + Ph. D
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) –
(i) Admission fees Rs. 75,000/-
(ii) Fees Rs. 35,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 5 Years minimum
(3) Intake – 60
(4) Procedures for Admission –
(i) WB JECA/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seat may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(ii) University Entrance Test
(5) Eligibility – BCA or B.Sc. with 60% marks
4.14 M. Tech
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 75,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 2 Years
(4) Intake – 60 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – GATE/PGET/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seat may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – B. Tech with 60% marks
4.15 M. Tech + Ph. D
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) –
(i) Admission fees Rs. 75,000/-
(ii) Fees Rs. 35,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 4 Years minimum
(4) Intake – 60
(5) Procedures for Admission – (i) GATE/PGET/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seat may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(ii) University Entrance Test
(6) Eligibility – B. Tech with 60% marks
4.16 M. Tech (Evening)
(1) Streams –
(i) Computer Science & Engineering,
(ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering,
(iii) Mechanical Engineering,
(iv) Civil Engineering,
(v) Electrical Engineering,
(vi) Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
(vii) Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,
(viii) Biotechnology
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 75,000/- per semester
(3) Duration – 2 Years
(4) Intake – 60 per Specialization
(5) Procedures for Admission – GATE/PGET/any other National level or State level examinations. Vacant seat may be filled up via direct admission as per norms laid down, if any, by the State Govt.
(6) Eligibility – B. Tech with 60% marks
4.17 M. Sc
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) – Rs. 50,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 2 Years
(3) Intake – 60
(4) Procedures for Admission – Direct Admission
(5) Eligibility – B.Sc. or equivalent with 50% marks
4.18 M. Sc. + Ph. D
(1) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) –
(i) Admission fees Rs. 75,000/-
(ii) Fees Rs. 35,000/- per semester
(2) Duration – 4 Years minimum
(3) Intake – 60
(4) Procedures for Admission – University Entrance Test
(5) Eligibility – B.Sc. or equivalent with 60% marks
4.19 Ph. D
(1) Streams –
(i) Engineering,
(ii) Management,
(iii) Science,
(iv) Arts,
(v) Commerce
(2) Fees (will comply rules laid down by the State Govt. if any) –
(i) Admission fees Rs. 75,000/-
(ii) Fees Rs. 25,000/- per semester
(iii) Full time students will be eligible to get Rs.1,75,000/- scholarship per semester
(3) Duration – 3 years minimum
(4) Intake – 120
(5) Procedures for Admission – University Entrance Test
(6) Eligibility – Masters in relevant field with 60% marks throughout career
- Discipline and Attendance of students –
5.1 Students unless attend 75% of the classes (i.e. 75% of the academic contact hours) will be treated as non-collegiate private candidates. They will not be able to represent the University in any form or kind. However, the students will be allowed to sit for University examination and it will be mentioned in their mark sheet that the students appeared in the examination as non-collegiate private students for that particular semester.
5.2 If the students represent the University in academic/sports & games/cultural activities etc. with prior written permission from the concerned HODs or fall sick with serious illness like jaundice, pox, certain accidental injuries, etc., the students will be allowed to sit for the University examination with minimum 65% of the contact hours. If the contact hour is less than 65%, for whatsoever may be the reason, the students will be required to repeat the semester and 50% of the semester tuition fees will be refunded. The students will have the option to repeat the semester as regular candidate or can appear in the examination as non-collegiate private candidate. In the remarks column of the University marks sheet, it will be written clearly that whether the students appeared in the semester examination as regular candidate/non-collegiate private candidate.
- Institution of Degrees and Conferment of Honorary Degrees, Withdrawal and Cancelations of such degrees –
6.1 Grant of Degrees -The University shall be competent to undertake study and research and award degrees, diplomas and certificates therefore in any of the disciplines mentioned in Section 6(i) of the Act.
6.2 Conferment of Honorary Degrees – (1) The University may confer Honorary Degree on any person who by virtue of his eminence and attainments and/or contributions to the cause of learning or his established position in the disciplines of law, built environment, health care, design and arts, science and technology, management and commerce, applied science and agriculture, insurance, hospitality, education, humanities or social sciences, is a fit and proper person to receive such degree.
(2) All proposals for the conferment of Honorary Degrees shall be made by the Academic Council to the Board of Management and shall be submitted to the Chancellor for confirmation;
provided that in cases of urgency, such a proposal may be confirmed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Board of Management only.
6.3 Convocation – Convocations of the University for the conferment of degrees or for other purposes shall be held in every academic year.
6.4 Withdrawal of Degrees etc – Any Degree, Diploma, Certificate or any Honorary Degree conferred by the University to a person, may be withdrawn by the Board of Management on a resolution passed by the Academic Council by a majority of not less than two – thirds of its voting members and which has obtained the approval of the Chancellor. Before such a resolution is adopted, the recipient of the degree shall get a “show cause notice” and a minimum of seven days notice for reply to the ‘show cause notice”;
provided that no such resolution shall be moved without giving an opportunity of showing cause against the proposed withdrawal to the person concerned.
- Conduct of examinations and term of office and appointment of examiners –
7.1 The conduct of examinations will pertain to the examination rules laid down by the University.
7.2 Appointment of Paper – Setters/ Examiners/Moderators: The Board of Studies in each subject shall draw a panel of paper-setters/examiners/moderators one month before every semester and forward the same to the Controller of Examinations, who shall appoint the paper-setters / examiners / moderators. While drawing the panel, the Chairman of the Board shall take into consideration the confidential aspect of the assignment so as to make it fool-proof. Criteria for recommending the names shall be as under:
7.2.1 Paper-Setter: (i) The teachers from both the University academic Department/Centres, and/or external from academic departments of other UGC recognised Universities and reputed AICTE approved colleges may be appointed.
(ii) Shall be a teacher in the subject concerned, or from Industry with at least five years experience in relevant field.
7.2.2. Examiner: (i) Shall have teaching experience in the subject concerned at under-graduate level.
(ii) A panel of external as well as internal examiners will be made by the Faculty Council (comprising internal & external members).
N.B. Ordinarily not more than 200 scripts shall be allotted to one examiner per paper.
7.2.3. Moderation Board: (I) A Moderation Board shall be formed for each subject by the Board of Studies (having internal as well as external members) comprising internal as well as external members. The moderation board shall have a tenure of 3 years.
(II) Functions of the Moderation Board:
(i) To ensure that a question paper has been set strictly in accordance with the syllabus and instructions given by the University covering all broad areas adequately.
(ii) To delete questions set from outside the syllabus and to make necessary substitution, if required.
(iii) To remove ambiguity in the language of a question, if any.
(iv) To moderate all the questions properly giving ample opportunity to candidates of average and exceptional capabilities.
(v) To ensure proper distribution and indication of weightage of marks for each question or parts thereof, time prescribed for the paper and to correct error/s, if any, in this regard.
(vi) To bring to the notice of the Controller of examination, lapse or omission on the part of the paper-setter, if any.
7.2.4. Moderation of Examination Results: (I) There shall be a Moderation Board if need be to moderate results of each examination and it shall consist of:
(i) Dean/s of Schools to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(ii) Head of the Department (ex-officio).
(iii) Controller of Examinations – Convener.
(II) Term of the office of the members of the Board, shall be three years which may be shortened on any ground likely to affect/prejudice the confidentiality of examination results.
(III) The duties of the Board shall be as under:
(i) The Board shall scrutinise the statistics of results prepared by the tabulators and moderate the same, if need be, before the declaration/publication of results.
(ii) As a matter of policy, the candidates having shortage of up to 2% marks to pass a subject shall be given grace up to 2% marks in the subject concerned. This will be independent of the grace marks, if any, recommended by the Moderation Board.
(iii) No grace shall be awarded after the declaration/publication of result.
7.2.5. Evaluation: (I) There shall be a 2-tier system of evaluation of answer-scripts for which purpose there shall be a Chief-Examiner and Examiner for each subject/paper, as appointed by Dean in consultation with the Head of the Departments. Paper Setter & Examiner should not be the same person. Effort should be there to involve external paper setters and external evaluators. Ten percent of evaluated paper should be reevaluated by the Chief Examiner.
(II) The duties of the Chairman, Chief-Examiner and Examiner shall be as under:
(i) Chief-Examiner: It shall be the duty of the Examination department to send all the evaluated answer scripts, paper-wise, along with the mark books received from the Examiners to the Chief Examiners along with a copy of the instruction for scrutiny.
It shall be the duty of the Chief Examiner to scrutinise the evaluated answer scripts according to the instruction given by the Controller of Examinations. If any wide variation in evaluation is detected, she/he shall refer the matter to the Examination department for doing the needful. She/he shall conduct a check-evaluation of at least 15% of the total number of answer-books allotted to her/him. She/he will have the powers to re-evaluate any or every script allotted to her/his Examiners. But she/he shall not erase or obliterate the marks awarded by the original Examiner when she/he reassesses any script and if there is variation between her/his marks and the marks awarded by the original examiner, she/he shall clearly score off the marks awarded by the original Examiner, and award her/his own marks beside that. While scoring off the original marks the Chief Examiner shall take special care to see that the former marks are still clearly visible. If she/he finds very wide variation between her/his marks and those of original examiner, she/he shall make special mention of such cases in the final report which she/he submits to the Controller of Examinations regarding the performance of each and every Examiner placed under her/him.
Besides check- evaluation of 15% of the scripts of each and every Examiner, it shall also be her/his duty to scrutinise each and every paper of all examiners under her/him.
Scrutiny does not mean re-evaluation. It means only checking up as to whether all questions have been marked, both inside and on the facing sheet of the Answer script, check-up the correctness of the totaling of marks and posting of the same in the mark book. Correction of marks affected by her/him at the time of scrutiny shall be initialled in the answer-scripts as well as in the mark-book with red ink. In the mark-book single digit marks shall be written both in figures and in words.
(ii) Examiners: It shall be the duty of each and every Examiner to carry on evaluation of answer scripts sent to her/him according to the instructions she/he receives. Immediately on receipt of answer scripts in sealed packet/s from the University, she/he shall check up whether all the scripts as mentioned on the cover of the packet are there. Discrepancies if any, shall be reported immediately to the Controller of Examinations. She/he shall complete the evaluation within the prescribed time and return the evaluated answer scripts with the Markbook to the Examination department on or before due date.
7.2.6. Continuous Sessional Work: Evaluation of continuous sessional work shall be made on the basis of the student’s performance in (a) tests organised for this purpose by the department concerned and (b) written assignment and/or seminars, fieldwork, etc. as indicated in the syllabus.
(ii) The schedule for the tests shall be made known to the students at the beginning of the semester/year and each test shall assess the student on that part of the syllabus covered preceding the test. The tests shall be evenly spaced out throughout the semester/year.
(iii) The marks awarded for the sessional shall be made known to the candidates twice during the semester so that students can further improve themselves. Candidates may discuss and seek clarification, if any, about their performance from the Head of the Departments within a week of the declaration of the marks.
7.2.7. General: (I) Special care shall be taken by the Controller of Examinations, the Chief Examiners and Examiners to maintain confidentiality relating to matters of evaluation.
On completion of the scrutiny work, the Chief Examiners shall send the packets of answer scripts along with the mark books directly to the Controller of Examinations. Malpractice, if any, detected during the course of evaluation and scrutiny, has to be referred by them directly to the Controller of Examinations.
Evaluation of answer-scripts shall be done strictly in the serial order and marks shall be entered in the mark-books accordingly. While despatching the answer-scripts they must be arranged serially. Ordinarily only about one hundred answer-books shall be made in a parcel. Marks must be always written legibly and clearly and in words with ink in the mark-book. All alterations or corrections of marks must be done by clearly scoring off the original figure and writing the new figure by its side. There should not be any kind of over-writing of marks in the answer-books and in marks-books.
(II) Correspondence relating to Examinations shall be carried on most confidentially and all envelopes containing correspondence relating to Examination shall bear the superscription “Confidential”. All correspondence to the Controller of Examinations shall be carried on in her/his personal address. No post card shall be made use of, for any correspondence relating to matters of Examination. The assignment of evaluation or anything relating to that shall not be divulged or let known in any manner to anybody. Correspondence at every stage shall be reduced to the absolute minimum. Unnecessary correspondence with the Chief Examiner or the Controller of Examinations or the University shall be avoided. Special care must be taken to ensure absolute punctuality in matters relating to the schedule of evaluation, despatch of answer-books and submission of mark-books.
(III) The External Examiners appointed for the Practical Examinations shall reach the allotted stations before the commencement of the concerned Practical examinations. Failure on the part of any external examiner to reach the allotted station on the due date, will be reported by the concerned internal Examiner to the Controller of Examinations.
7.2.8. Remuneration: Chairman, Chief Examiners, Paper-Setters, Moderators, Examiners, Practical examiners, Internal examiners, staff and others engaged for an examination shall be paid remuneration for examination work, which may be fixed by the Board of Management from time to time.
Chairman, Chief Examiners, Members of the Moderation Board, Controller of Examinations, Paper-Setters, Moderators, Examiners, Practical examiners, Internal examiners, staff and others engaged for an examination shall endeavour to ensure utmost confidentiality and integrity at various stages of work of any examination, including paper-setting, moderation and printing of question papers, evaluation of answer scripts, any other work connected to any examination of the University, and thus uphold the sanctity and fairness of the University examinations.
- Creation of posts, method of recruitment and procedure of appointment to such posts –
8.1. The employees shall consist of the following categories, namely:
- Teaching staff
- Non-teaching staff
The teaching staff of the University will comprise of the following:
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
8.2 Recruitment
- i) The University will issue all-India advertisement for recruitment to the teaching posts in leading national dailies/electronic media and make appointments thereto on all India basis on the recommendations of the Selection Committee as per UGC Regulations ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2010.
- ii) In order to attract best talents, the University may make rolling advertisements whereby eligible candidates can submit their applications for different faculty positions throughout the year.
8.3 Minimum Qualifications and Experience
- The terms and conditions with regard to the minimum qualifications and other terms and conditions as prescribed in the UGC Regulations ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2010 and amended from time to time, shall be followed.
- In addition to the above, the Vice-Chancellor may prescribe in consultation with the concerned Dean of Faculty Council, to the Academic Council such specification or any other condition as required for the post to be filled up.
The minimum qualifications required for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor are as under:
(i) Professor
- a) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification(s) in the concerned / allied / relevant discipline having secured minimum 65% marks in class X, XII, Graduation and Post Graduate and published works in foreign journal of repute.
- b) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in research at the University/National level institutions/industries, including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level and conducting at least two sponsored project/research or consultancy jobs of high value.
- a) An outstanding professional, with an exceptional accomplishment established reputation in the relevant field, who has made significant contributions to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, to be substantiated by credentials. The person should have proven record of having high level network in Industry and/or Academia.
(ii) Associate Professor
- a) Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines. Throughout minimum 65% marks will be required to be eligible.
- b) A minimum of five years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research Institution/industry with evidence of doing more than one sponsored project/research or consultancy.
(iii) Assistant Professor
- Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 65% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s level.
- Degree level in a relevant subject from a recognized University.
- Relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 65% wherever the grading system is followed by a recognized university shall also be considered eligible.
- Exceptionally brilliant student with 70% above marks throughout class X, XII and B. Tech degree from ‘A’ category institution/Universities may be appointed subject to his/her completing M. Tech degree within three years of such appointment. This exception is only for B. Tech degree course.
8.4 Shortlisting of Applications
- a) The prescribed qualification and experience will be minimum, and the mere fact that a candidate possessing the same will not entitle him /her for being called for interview.
- b) The University will have the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee constituted as per the Regulations for this purpose, to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed or by any other condition that it may deem fit.
- c) The Scrutiny Committee for applications may evolve criteria for shortlisting the candidates to be called for the interview as per the UGC Guidelines in consultation with the Vice Chancellor.
8.5 Reservation Policy
The rules and procedures, prescribed by the State Government, Govt. of India, MHRD and UGC in respect of the Reservation policy for reserved categories shall be followed.
8.6 Process of Selection
- a) The overall selection procedure shall incorporate transparent, objective and credible methodology of analysis of the merits and credentials of the applicants based on weightages given to the performance of the candidate in different relevant dimensions and his/her performance on a scoring system proforma.
- b) Universities may assess the ability for teaching and/or research aptitude through demonstration lecture classes in a class room situation or demonstration on the capacity to use latest technology in teaching and research at the interview stage.
- e) The process of selection of faculty member position shall involve inviting the bio-data with duly filled Performance Based Appraisal System proforma developed by the University.
8.7 Selection Committee
8.7.1) The Selection Committee for the post of Professor in the University shall have the following composition.
- The Vice Chancellor or his/her representative shall be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
- An academician nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- One expert in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- Dean of the concerned Faculty Council, wherever applicable.
8.7.2) The Selection Committee for the post of Associate Professor in the University shall have the following composition.
- The Vice Chancellor or his/her representative shall be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
- An academician nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- One expert in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- Dean of the concerned Faculty Council, wherever applicable.
8.7.3) The Selection Committee for the post of Assistant Professor in the University shall have the following composition.
- The Vice Chancellor or his/her representative shall be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
- An academician nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- One expert in the concerned subject nominated by the Dean of Faculty.
- Dean of the concerned Faculty Council.
8.7.4) The Registrar, and while the office of the Registrar is vacant, the Deputy Registrar nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose, shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Selection Committee.
8.7.5) At least two members, including Chairperson and one subject expert shall constitute the quorum.
8.7.6) The University shall issue to each member a Notice before the meeting, stating the time and venue of the meeting. Meeting of the Selection Committee shall be fixed after prior consultation with, and subject to the convenience of Vice Chancellor’s nominee and of the nominated experts.
8.7.7) Recommendations may be made with a condition attached to the concurrence of the future events.
8.7.8) The Selection Committee, after considering a candidate for the post of Professor or Associate Professor, may, if it is of the opinion that he or she will be suitable choice for the next lower post, can make such recommendation. If any candidate is recommended by the Selection Committee for appointment in relaxation of any of the prescribed conditions relating to qualifications, age, experience etc., it shall be so stated and recorded.
8.7.9) When the Selection Committee considers it fit to recommend a higher initial pay or advance increments to be offered to a selected candidate, it shall be with approval of the Chief Finance Officer.
8.8 Appointment
- In case of selection to two or more posts on the same date, the recommendations shall invariably be made in order of merit of the selected candidates for the purpose of determining seniority in service.
- Number of posts advertised may be treated as indicative and not exhaustive. The University shall have the right to increase/decrease the number of posts at the time of selection and make appointments accordingly.
III. The Selection Committee’s recommendations, shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of such approval.
- In cases of any disputes any suites or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Chomu, Jaipur.
- Constitution of insurance, pension and provident funds
9.1 Provident Fund –
University will follow provident fund rule of the government and all eligible employees will be covered to comply provident fund law.
9.2 Gratuity –
Payment of gratuity will be governed as per provisions of payment of Gratuity Act as amended from time to time.
9.3 Medical Expenses of injury while on duty –
All employees of the University shall be covered with Medical Insurance by the University up to Rs 2 lakhs per annum.
- Subject to the approval of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor may in recognition of merit of students award Fellowships, Scholarships, stipends or institute medals and prizes.
- Accounting policy, Financial procedure and preparation of budget:
11.1 The Accounting Policy, Financial Procedures and preparation of budget of the University shall be maintained in accordance with the standard accounting procedures of Institute of Chartered Accountants, India.
11.2 Unless otherwise provided, the financial statements of the University shall be prepared as per Indian Accounting Standards laid down by Institute of Chartered Accountants, India. Accounts will be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant every year.
- The Law Officer of the University shall assist the Vice-Chancellor to account for the declaration of income, assets and liabilities of the University and prepare and obtain approval of contents of related documents
- Matters relating to Hostel including disciplinary controls therein:
- Once a student applies for hostel accommodation, it will be assumed that he/she would stay in the hostel throughout completion of his/her respective course. However, if somebody wants to vacate hostel it cannot be done before the year end.
- The hostel fee for one year will be collected at the beginning of every academic year, which will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- Visitors including parents and relatives shall need to take permission from the competent authority before entering the hostel.
- Boarders shall not be allowed to take anybody except parents of students in to the hostel rooms during day time i.e. between 8 AM to 5 PM. Father cannot be allowed in female hostels. Unless accompanied by a female no male teacher or staff can enter the female hostels.
- Consumption of alcohol or addictive drugs will be strictly prohibited. Any student found guilty of this offence he/she will be expelled not only from the hostel but also from the institution without any further enquiry or intimation.
- The hostel residents shall be in their room by 6:30 pm, if somebody has any valid reason for getting delayed he/she shall need to report to the hostel authority. In any case, a hostel resident shall not be permitted to be outside or to go outside after 9.00 pm.
- Students living in hostels shall need to obtain prior written permission from the competent authority, if they wish to go out on holidays.
- Students shall need to maintain decency in the hostel so as to avoid any disturbance to the neighborhood. In case of any complaint are received from the neighbours, other hostel inmates or anybody concerned, stern action including expulsion from the hostel against will be taken.
- Boarders shall need to keep the hostel as well as the rooms neat & clean and properly arranged. All the occupants of the rooms shall be jointly responsible for any damage to fittings and furniture of their room.
- The students shall need to hand over the room allotted to him / her at the end of the academic year, in the same condition as it was, when he / she had taken occupation of it. In exception, a fine of Rs. 5,000/- per person will be levied. This money will be transferred to student Gymkhana.
- Ragging or harassment is a criminal offence. Any student involved in such activities will be expelled from the institution immediately on receipt of complaint.
- Every student will be expected to live up to the decorum/decency for which the college stands. Anyone who damages the reputation of hostel in any way may be expelled.
- Electrical appliances like heaters, immersion rods, and iron boxes etc. shall not be used by the student without prior written permission from the competent authority.
- All hostel inmates shall need to switch off all the electrical appliances before leaving the room.
- Boarders shall not be allowed to leave the hostel without prior permission from the hostel superintendent/competent authority.
- No meetings & any other functions shall be allowed in the hostel premises without the prior permission of the competent authority. Inside hostel, smoking, consuming of alcohol are serious offences and immediate expulsion from hostel will be done.
- Boarders shall need to abide by the rules & regulations of the hostel and notifications/orders issued by the competent authority from time to time.
- Non-compliance to any of the hostel rules and regulations shall be treated as misconduct and appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion from the hostel shall be taken against the student.
- It should be given in undertaking by a boarder that he/she not have any pre existing illness, e.g., epilepsy, asthma, chronic depression, eczemas, diabetes, heart and liver ailments etc.
- Terms and conditions Governing Deputation of officers and staffs:
14.1) Teaching staff and/or a Non-teaching staff may be deputed to any other institute/university owned by the promoting body for a period of maximum 12 months at a time.
14.2) During the period of deputation he/she will normally be eligible to draw his grade pay, all other allowances, medical facilities/insurance, leave, provident fund and gratuity he/she was eligible just prior to the deputation, subject to existence of such rules in the University at that time.
- The mode of execution of contract and agreement by or on behalf of the University:
15.1) Important contracts/agreements by or on behalf of the University shall be normally authenticated/approved by the Law Officer of the University and shall be executed by the Chancellor/Registrar.
15.2)(i) For associations of the University with other institutions, the cooperation shall be for the purposes of developing international educational opportunities for students and for the promotion of research activities on the part of faculty members.
(ii) The cooperation shall relate to exchange of students and faculty members for lecturing and studies and/or research, exchange of information and publications, other activities of mutual interest, and the details of implementation of such activities shall be discussed and mutually agreed.