University of Engineering & Management
News & Achievements

UEMJ celebrated the 77th Independence Day of India with great enthusiasm and patriotism.
77th Independence Day Celebration © UEM Jaipur
Today, UEMJ celebrated the 77th Independence Day of India with great enthusiasm and patriotism. The event was marked by a grand program that brought together students, faculty, and esteemed guests to commemorate this historic occasion.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, presided over the event as Chief Guest. Joining him were the Guest of Honour, Prof.
(Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Sharma, and Prof. (Dr.) Aniruddha Mukherjee. Their esteemed presence added grandeur to the event and inspired all attendees.
The ceremony commenced with the solemn hoisting of the Indian Flag, symbolizing the nation's freedom and sovereignty. This poignant moment was followed by a parade of students who paid their respects to the Chief Guests and Dignitaries. The parade comprised more than 400 boys and girls who showcased their discipline and commitment to the nation.
Cultural performances from all academic years showcased India's diverse heritage, engaging the audience. Around 650 attendees participated in the event.
Dr. B. S. Yadav conveyed gratitude through the Vote of Thanks, while the Chief Guest distributed sweets, ending the celebration on a joyful note.
Dr. B. S. Yadav and Dr. Madhu Teotia orchestrated the event seamlessly.
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Sep 22, 2023
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Students of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR have visited the Automation and Robotics Expo organised by EnCon System
Students of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR have visited the Automation and Robotics Expo organised by EnCon System at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi today. In this Expo students have seen the different robots like Universal Robots - COBOT, End-of-Line Automation, Energy efficient computer controlled system for automatically storing and retrieving goods from the storage locations based on Karakuri Low Cost Palletizer.
Students also got the understanding about the SCARA Bottle Handling System. Students also went through many other technological advancements in the field of robotics.
Students also got the chance to interact with the HRs of the different companies, which definitely will help students. Students were accompanied by faculty members Dr. Vishal Pandey and Dr.
Chandra Prakash of the ECE Department.
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Sep 21, 2023
Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR has been honoured for its outstanding contribution towards improvement of higher education in the state of Rajasthan.
University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR has been honoured for its outstanding contribution towards improvement of higher education in the state of Rajasthan, during an event conducted by FM-Tadka, a unit of Rajasthan Patrika, one of the leading newspapers of Rajasthan, on 8th August, 2023 in Hotel Holiday Inn, Jaipur.
Chief Guests for the event were:
Shri Rajiv Arora, Chairman, Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation and
Smt. Soumya Gurjar, Mayor, Jaipur Greater.
Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar UEM Jaipur, Dr. Shantanu Sharma Head Physiotherapy, Dr. Prapfull Chhabra and Prof. Jyoti Khandelwal received the award on behalf of the University.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 21, 2023
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Regular Physical Activity Sessions at UEM Jaipur
Regular Physical Activity Sessions at UEM Jaipur
At the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, physical activity sessions are conducted daily in morning from 6.00 AM onwards, for all students residing in hostels, where yoga and various breathing exercises are performed under the guidance of Dr. B. S.
Yadav, Director, Physical Education, UEM Jaipur.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 21, 2023
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Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan is conducting a 12 days training session for 640 primary school teachers in Basic Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), in the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR Campus.
Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan is conducting a 12 days training session (from 31st July to 5th August, 2023 and 7th August to 12th August, 2023) for 640 primary school teachers in Basic Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), in the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR Campus.
Teachers visited the Innovation Laboratory and other Research Facilities available in UEM Jaipur campus and praised the efforts of
UEM students and teachers. They were very happy to see such laboratories and equipments of advanced level, in this region. They were very enthusiastic to see and experience Robots, Drones, AR/VR, 3D Printer, IOT based Projects and other innovative projects.
They realised that UEM Jaipur has state-of-the-art advanced labs and equipments to make it's students employable.
Mr. Shopan Dey, Mr. Afaq Ahmed and Mr. Sougata Banerjee arranged these sessions with all the teachers.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 21, 2023
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Quality Assurance training for the 2024 graduating batch students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. conducted by Kreeti Technologies.
Quality Assurance training for the 2024 graduating batch students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. conducted by Kreeti Technologies.
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Sep 19, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Industry visits & interactions, Other events, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events

Management Lab by Kreeti Technologies at the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
Management Lab by Kreeti Technologies at the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
The Resource Persons from Kreeti Technologies began their training for the Management Students for the 2024 graduating batch at UEM-JAIPUR Campus. A total of 72 students of MBA & BBA+MBA participated in this Management Lab. The main objective of conducting this Lab is to develop students’ skills in taking an integrated approach to solving the most pressing challenges of today’s businesses specially in the field of Marketing, HR Analytics, Product Development & Project Management
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Sep 19, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Industry visits & interactions, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Research Update: UEM JAIPUR
Research Update: UEM JAIPUR
The editorial work of Dr. Tapas Si, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR - Editorial: Deep learning for disease prediction in next-generation sequencing and biomedical imaging data has been published in Frontiers in Genetics sec Computational Genomics [SCI indexed IF 3.7 Q2]
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Sep 19, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

& (), is organizing a one day - in the basement auditorium of Academic Building-I, UEM Campus, Jaipur on 14th August, 2023 from 10.30 AM onwards, as per the detailed schedule attached herewith.
on -
14th August, 2023
10.30 AM onward (Basement Auditorium)
& (), is organizing a one day - in the basement auditorium of Academic Building-I, UEM Campus, Jaipur on 14th August, 2023 from 10.30 AM onwards, as per the detailed schedule attached herewith.
Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker for the event is:
. , CEO and Founder, Data Ingenious Global Ltd.
A Panel Discussion on " : " will be organized with the industry leaders from the field of as listed below:
. . , Founder & C.E.O. of Cyberops
. . , Manager in RSM US LLP, Police Trainer
. . , Team Lead at InfoOBjects Inc
. . , CEO ZNet Technologies Pvt Ltd
. . , COO at Kreeti Technologies Pvt. Ltd
. . , Founder & CTO of Socialveins
- . (.) , Vice-Chancellor, UEM Jaipur
Projects based on Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Robotics, IOT, 3D printer, Drones etc will be showcased in the exhibition of innovative projects.
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Sep 19, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Regular Placement Activities, University Daily News, Workshops & Seminars