University of Engineering & Management
News & Achievements

Event name - Launchpad, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 19th March 2023, Students of Business Administration Department, UEM JAIPUR have organized the Launchpad event.
Event name - Launchpad, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 19th March 2023, Students of Business Administration Department, UEM JAIPUR have organized the Launchpad event.
The primary goal of Launchpad was to present business ideas to the judges and the audience. Participants used posters to present their ideas and product samples for a more efficient presentation. This event was organised to find budding entrepreneurs.
Student Coordinators:
Rohit Agarwal
Ashwini Singh
Anubhav Pareek
Aditya Krishna
Debjit Das
Faculty Co Ordinator:
Prof. (Dr) Manisha Singh
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

Innovaquest, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 18th March 2023, Students of Business Administration Department, UEM JAIPUR have organized the Innovaquest event.
Event name - Innovaquest, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 18th March 2023, Students of Business Administration Department, UEM JAIPUR have organized the Innovaquest event.
The primary goal of Innovaquest was to generate creative products using waste material available with them. This was to enhance their creative skills and encourage sustainability.
It was wonderful to watch students bring our their creativity and innovation.We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants and co-ordinators.
Student Coordinators:
Bhavya Sharma
Harsh Mittal
Subir pal
Ridhi Agarwal
Shaheen Praveen
Faculty Co Ordinator:
Prof. (Dr) Manisha Singh
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR in association with IIC and IQAC organized CRACK THE CODE - Debugging Competition and CODE BATTLE - Coding Competition in the techfest TECHUTOPIA 2023 on 19.03.23 in the Central lab of CSE Department for interested students of all years.
Event name -
1) Crack the Code
2) Code Battle
Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR in association with IIC and IQAC organized CRACK THE CODE - Debugging Competition and CODE BATTLE - Coding Competition in the techfest TECHUTOPIA 2023 on 19.03.23 in the Central lab of CSE Department for interested students of all years.
The main motive behind the Debugging Competition was to make the students comfortable with debugging the code.
There were two rounds in the event:
Round 1: This round was open to all participants. They were given 4 questions to debug and check for logical and syntactical errors.
Round 2: This was the coding round and was held on Hackkerrank platform. The main motive behind this round was to make them comfortable with speed coding and improve their problem solving skills.
Code Battle was a coding contest hosted on Hackkerrank platform where participants competed among themselves and learned valuable problem solving skills along with a good brain exercise.
The main motive behind conducting this event was to make the participants apply their logical skills in solving real time problems.
The presence of Prof. Dr Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, HOD CSE department made the event more motivative and successful.
All students enjoyed the competition very much and we hope that they will continue this type of practice of coding and exploring new ideas and solutions every day. Also, we congratulate the winners and thanks the students for their involvement in the competition, thereby making it successful.
Student Coordinators of CRACK THE CODE:
Yash Yadav
Rajat Dhanuka
Souradeep Ash
Nitin Roy
Tisha Bhattacharya
Ishika Saraf
Student Coordinators of CODE BATTLE:
Souradeep Ash
Rajat Dhanuka
Nitin Roy
Ishika Saraf
Tisha Bhattacharya
Ayushi Kumari
Yash Yadav
Faculty coordinators:
Prof. Jyoti Khandelwal
Prof. Jyoti Anand
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

We congratulate Prof. (Dr.) Aniruddha Mukherjee, Dean, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR for being invited as a speaker for the International Conference EEEMET2023, to be held at Vancouver Canada, 14th -16th August 2023.
We congratulate Prof. (Dr.) Aniruddha Mukherjee, Dean, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR for being invited as a speaker for the International Conference EEEMET2023, to be held at Vancouver Canada, 14th -16th August 2023.
#uem #TopRankedUniversity #UEMJaipur
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

Launching Ceremony - MBA Hospital and Healthcare Management (MBA HHM) - 25th March, 2023 UEM Jaipur is starting its new program of MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management (MBA-HHM) from 2023 session in association with with Shalby Limited, Ahmedabad.
Launching Ceremony - MBA Hospital and Healthcare Management (MBA HHM) - 25th March, 2023
UEM Jaipur is starting its new program of MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management (MBA-HHM) from 2023 session in association with with Shalby Limited, Ahmedabad.
MBA-HHM is a two-year postgraduate program that is designed to equip students with an in-depth knowledge about the healthcare world and its dynamics. This professional program is highly oriented towards planning, controlling and managing the healthcare system and its administration. Students will have opportunities to be trained in Shalby Hospitals across India and meritorious students will be absorbed in Shalby Hospital Units.
Launching Ceremony has been scheduled in the city office of UEM Jaipur on 25th March, 2025 at 11 AM. All the family members are cordially invited to be part of this program.
For more details contact on 9887313330
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

SLIEM (Salt Lake Institute of Engineering and Management) with UTSAH (UEM Training and Skill Advancement Help) has organized a 120 days training on Solar Power Plant Installer at UEM Jaipur Solar Lab under RSLDC- Mukhya Mantri Yuva Sambal Yojana (MMYSY) scheme.
SLIEM (Salt Lake Institute of Engineering and Management) with UTSAH (UEM Training and Skill Advancement Help) has organized a 120 days training on Solar Power Plant Installer at UEM Jaipur Solar Lab under RSLDC- Mukhya Mantri Yuva Sambal Yojana (MMYSY) scheme.
The Government of Rajasthan has selected 55 no students from various parts of Rajasthan and send them for solar power plant installation training at UEM Jaipur Solar Power Lab.
In these Hands-on training students has learned necessary Civil and Electrical installation, which is required in solar plant project. These Solar Power Plant Installer skills will help them to get a job as solar power plant installer at various company PAN India basis.
Honorable Vice Chancellor of UEM Jaipur Prof. Dr. Biswajoy Chaterjee, Registrar of UEM Jaipur Prof Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Dean of Academics of UEM Jaipur Prof Dr. Aniruddha Mukherjee, HOD of Electrical Department Prof. Ankit Kumar Sharma has visited the UEM Jaipur Solar Power Lab during the training session to encourage the students on 17th of March 2023. The Vice Chancellor sir of UEM Jaipur has encouraged them to participate at various event of TechUtopia-2023. They have enjoyed various technical events like Robo-War, Debates competition, Model presentation etc. In addition, they have participated in UEM Jaipur Food Festivals on 18th of March 2023.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Prof. Sayak Pramanik, Mr. Mahesh Jat of Admission Department and Ms. Shobha Sharma for their involvement to make students successful at Food Festivals.
Faculty Coordinator:
• Mr. Samrat Saha.
• Mr. Debadatta Samal.
SLIEM Representative:
• Mr. Rajib Prasad.
• Mr. Vijay Kumar Verma.
#TopRankedUniversity #UEMJaipur #uem #skillstraining
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Mar 30, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

The Reverse Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 19th-March- 2023, UEM, JAIPUR Mechanical Engineering Department students have organized The Reverse Engineering Event with their participants.
Event Name – The Reverse Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 19th-March- 2023, UEM, JAIPUR Mechanical Engineering Department students have organized The Reverse Engineering Event with their participants.
About the Event: - Reverse Engineering is process of dismantling a product to see how it works. It is basically used to analyze and gain knowledge about the way how something works but often is used to enhance the product feature. It can be used to reproduce parts that are no longer manufactured or difficult to obtain. By analyzing an existing part, engineers can create a new Machines/ Systems that replicates the original part's shape, dimensions, and function.
Further, Engineers can use reverse engineering to analyze an existing product to identify areas for improvement or modification. This can involve analyzing the product's design, materials, and manufacturing processes to find ways to increase efficiency, reduce costs, or improve performance.
Medals, Certificates and Cash prizes were awarded to 1st , 2nd and 3rd best performing teams by the various industry HR Personnel.
The 1st Prize was given to team - Fire
Students included were
1. Kamlesh Gurjar
2. Himanshu Chhapola
3. Mohit Sharma
4. Ajoy Pain
The 2nd position was given to team - Terminator
Student included were
1. Rahul Saini
2. Shahid Mohammad
The 3rd position was won by team - Electric
Students included were
1. Jitendra Kumar Kumawat
2. Krishna Sherawat
3. Anish Kumawat
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants and co-ordinators.
Student Co-ordinators:
Pragya Sarkar
Aman Kumar
Gyanchand Verma
Faculty Co-ordinators :
Prof. Sumit Kumar Paul
Prof. Iqbal Ahmad
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Mar 21, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 19th March 2023, students of ECE Department, UEM JAIPUR organized the Robo Soccer event. The event's primary goal was to make the students capable of designing, building, and modifying a Wireless Bluetooth-controlled robot and learning its corresponding embedded C coding.
Robo Soccer - Football between robots
- University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 19th March 2023, students of ECE Department, UEM JAIPUR organized the Robo Soccer event.
The event's primary goal was to make the students capable of designing, building, and modifying a Wireless Bluetooth-controlled robot and learning its corresponding embedded C coding.
Multiple teams from various departments of UEM Jaipur participated in this event. Each team had five students.
Our most profound appreciation goes out to everyone involved in organizing, hosting, and participating in the Robo Soccer event.
Faculty Co-ordinators:
Prof.Souvik Saha
Prof.Surajit Sur
Student Co Ordinators:
Tarun Verma
Akash Dutta Banik
Adarsh Kumar Choudhary
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Mar 21, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News

Web-A-Thon, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 18th March, 2023, students of UEM JAIPUR ACM student chapter have organized Web-A-Thon. The primary goal of this event was to encourage students to create their own portfolio website so that they could create their own curriculum vitae with creativity.
Event Name – Web-A-Thon, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 18th March, 2023, students of UEM JAIPUR ACM student chapter have organized Web-A-Thon.
The primary goal of this event was to encourage students to create their own portfolio website so that they could create their own curriculum vitae with creativity. Today, a digital portfolio website is very important to stand out in this technical era, and companies also believe in digital assets.
About the Event: - First prize was won by Biswanath Mukherjee, 1st year CSE, second won by Subham Kumar Singh, 3rd year CSE and third by Kshitij Verma,3rd year CSE-AIML. It was a wonderful event and there was a feel good factor to see that students created their own portfolio website with lots of innovative idea and thoughts.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants and co-ordinators.
Student Co-ordinators:
Sahitya Roy(3rd yr)
Priya Chandak(3rd yr)
Amar Sansil(3rd yr)
Rohit Chakraborty(2nd yr)
Aman Kumar(2nd yr)
Faculty Co-ordinators:
Prof. Sagarika Ghosh
Prof. Dipta Mukherjee
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Mar 21, 2023
Awards & Achievements, University Daily News