University of Engineering & Management
Awards & Achievements

Students of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR attended the technical session on Role of Indoor environment quality and energy efficiency in de carbonizing buildings by ASHRAE Rajasthan
Students of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR attended the technical session on
Role of Indoor environment quality and energy efficiency in decarbonizing buildings
by ASHRAE Rajasthan Chapter on 23rd December, 2023 at The Fern An Ecotel hotel in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The speakers Dr. Chandra Sekhar, Mr. S. N lyenger and Dr. R. S. Iyenger enlightened the audience with their immense experience and knowledge on what is decarbonization, what are the processes involved in it, various sensors and loT devices that will form the BMS (Building Management System). The audience were thankful for such a great technical session summarised within a short duration of time.
The event was successfully conducted by Dr. Shivraj Dhaka, Dr.
Jyotirmoy Mathur and the whole ASHRAE team.
Dr. Viswajeet Khan and Mr. Sougata Banerjee, faculties at Civil Engineering department and Himanshu Chapola, B. Tech 3rd year student of Civil Engineering department of University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, participanted in this event.
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Mr D.O. Giuseppe Ragno, reputed Osteopath and Posturologist at Osteo & Co., Brussels, Belgium, (also Founder of ASD Postural Hub, Italy), and Mrs. Mahela Bonomo, reputed Physiotherapist from Italy conducted Hands-on Workshop on Spinal and Joint Manipulation
Mr D.O. Giuseppe Ragno, reputed Osteopath and Posturologist at Osteo & Co., Brussels, Belgium, (also Founder of ASD Postural Hub, Italy), and Mrs. Mahela Bonomo, reputed Physiotherapist from Italy conducted Hands-on Workshop on Spinal and Joint Manipulation (Osteopathic approach for Structural and Postural Correction of Spine and Joints) for the BPT (Physiotherapy) students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
The workshop was very successful and the students learned the techniques of Manipulation, hands-on by doing on each other under the able guidance of the resource persons.
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Jan 8, 2024
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Today, the Students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR won the Best Pavilion for Innovations at the AICTE
Today, the Students of the University of Engineering & Management
(UEM), JAIPUR won the Best Pavilion for Innovations at the AICTE
- MIC - IIC Regional Meet - Innovate Bharat.
The students showcased their innovative projects at the pavilion, where they received a lot of appreciation from MIC Assistant Innovation Director, and Dr. Dipan Sahu, Director AICTE Ms. Garima Rohela.
The Students were:-
- Soham Wadekar
- Jyoti Rai
- Vishnu Singh
- Aryan Saini
- Abhishek Gupta
- Pooja
- Shashi Ranjan
More than 150 Universities, Colleges, ATL Schools with more than 600 participants attended the event.
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Students and faculty members of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur participated in the INNOVATE BHARAT program of Institution's Innovation Council (IC) Regional Meet 2023
AICTE - MIC - IIC Regional Meet
Students and faculty members of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur participated in the INNOVATE BHARAT program of Institution's Innovation Council (IC) Regional Meet 2023 at Amity University, Jaipur on 4th January, 2024.
Students of Shunya Club of UEM Jaipur showcased innovative projects under Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where it received a lot of appreciation from MIC Assistant Innovation Director Dr. Dipan Sahu, Director AICTE Ms. Garima Rohela and Vice Chancellor Amity University Dr. Amit Jain and other Dignitaries from various Government Organisations and Team Shunya won the Certificate for the Best Stall for Innovations.
Student members of Shunya Club presented the projects were:
Soham Wadekar
Jyoti Rai
Vishnu Singh
Aryan Saini
Abhishek Gupta
Shashi Ranjan
Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma Registrar and President IIC UEM Jaipur dellvered a detalled session on YUKTI- NATIONAL INNOVATION REPOSITORY as keynote speaker.
Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma Registrar and President IIC UEM Jaipur, Prof. Dr. Anurag Hamilton Professor and Coordinator IIC UEM
Jaipur, Prof. Dr. Govind Rai Goyal Assistant Professor and Sr.
Innovation Ambassador IIC UEM Jaipur and Prof. Sougata Banerjee Assistant Professor and Mentor IIC UEM Jaipur attended the Regional
Meet of all the IIC institutions of Rajasthan.
More than 150 Universities, Colleges, ATL Schools with more than 600 participants attended the event.
#EduskillsConnect23 #NextGenSkillConclave #IndustryLeaders
#collaborationMINISTRYOFEDUCATIONGOVERNMENTOFINDIAAICTEN EATAni|SahasrabudheChandrasekharBuddha #EduSkillsConnect #conclave #AICTE #aicteneat #aicteinternship #internship #EduSkills #NationBuildingThroughSkills #skillindia #atmanirbharabharat #digitalindianewindia #amritmahotsav
#newopportunities #eduskillstalentconnect #eduskillsfoundations
#EduskillsMembership #AICTEEduSkillsInternship
#EduSkillsindustryCoE #education #sustainability #research #igbc #igbcap #mycii #educationinvovation #educationindustry #greeneducation #myashrae #uemjaipur #uem
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Jan 8, 2024
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1st, 2nd, 3rd all three positions have been won by the students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR at the Project Expo 2.0 organized by IEEE MTT-S SBC.
1st, 2nd, 3rd all three positions have been won by the students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR at the Project Expo 2.0 organized by IEEE MTT-S SBC in association with IEEE AESS, IEEE APS, IEEE RAS, IEEE SBC.
1st Position:
Project name: Saarthi
Project details: Students used the STM32 Microcontroller to create an Artificial Intelligence (Al)-based Human Activity Recognition Gadget.
Students involved: Dikansha Bindal, Vinay Pratap, Shashi Chauhan, Sagnik Dey, Aadityaa Gour, and Keshav Bhardwaj.
2nd Position:
Project name: Hybrid Drone-Rover Vehicle
Project details: In the dynamic realm of robotics and autonomous systems, a compelling innovation has emerged—the Hybrid Drone-Rover Vehicle. This groundbreaking concept fuses the capabilities of a traditional ground rover with the aerial prowess of a drone, offering a versatile and adaptive solution for a myriad of applications.
Students involved:
Pritam Rajak, Ayan Maity, Aryabhatta Ghosh, Anushka Mitra
3rd Position:
Project name: Intelliholder
Project details: Intelliholder is an IOT based ID card holder that is designed particularly as a child safety device. It tracks the location of the child and their parents can access their location whenever they want by simply sending a message "get location" to the holder through their phone. This also allows the parents to set a boundary limitation. If parents want to be alerted if their child crosses a particular location, Intelliholder can do that.
Students involved: Palak Sharma, Yashasvi Chhallya
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UEM JAIPUR students champion of Hackathon event at Harvard University
UEM JAIPUR students champion of Hackathon event at Harvard University:-
2023 ends on a big high for the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR as we get to know that our students Raj Krish, Shibagni Bhattacharye, Adwitiya Koley and Snehal Panda, representing Shunya Student Club of the University have emerged as winner in a Hackathon event conducted at the Harvard University partnered by Google and Geeks For Geeks.
Nowadays, detection of drunken people have become a challenge, as people have found means to bypass the alcohol detector through smell. Their project was a software to detect drunken people just by their facial expression and body movement. The project was mentored by their senior Divyansh Sachdev.
Happy New Year to you all......
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Jan 8, 2024
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University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR is one such University, where it is ensured that each and every student of BPT (Physiotherapy) is posted at hospitals/big clinics for practical learning.
University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR is one such University, where it is ensured that each and every student of BPT (Physiotherapy) is posted at hospitals/big clinics for practical learning, with full sponsorship for the purpose by the University.
Students of BPT (Physiotherapy) 3rd year and 4th year, UEM JAIPUR are undergoing their 1 month clinical postings at the moment.
3rd year students are being posted at Shalby Hospitals and they are having a very good clinical exposure in different wards, ICUs etc. They are able to witness joint replacement operations live, learning under the guidance of their teacher Dr. Imran Khan.
4th year students are posted at Jaipur Physiotherapy Centre and Re-Life Rehabilitation Centre, having great hands-on learning experience through assessment and treatment of various Orthopaedic and Neurological Conditions, under the guidance of their teacher Dr Madhu Teotia.
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The Progress Presentation of the Research Scholars of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR was successfully completed
The Progress Presentation of the Research Scholars of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR was successfully completed, and the scholars are well on their way to complete their Ph.D. in time. The research scholars presented their work in their respective research endeavors, insights, methodologies, and publications details.
In UEM JAIPUR, for a research scholar to complete his/her Ph.D, publication in 1 SCI journal and publication in 1 Scopus journal is required, followed by review by 1 Foreign professor and 1 Indian professor at least.
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Students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, representing their Shunya Club, have emerged as winner in an event TantraFiesta.
We feel highly elated to state that Mr. Divyansh Sachdev, Mr.
Shikhar Verma & and Mr. Sanket Raj Chauhan, students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, representing their Shunya Club, have emerged as winner in an event TantraFiesta conducted at IIT Nagpur.
We wholeheartedly congratulate them.
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