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Tag: Tech Masters Community

Cracking the code with Gagan Gupta organized by Tech Masters community X The speech society UEMJ.

University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur presents cracking the code with Gagan Gupta organized by Tech Masters community X The speech society UEMJ TechTalk, held during TechFest 2024, featured Mr. Gagan Gupta as the guest speaker. He shared valuable insights on mastering data structures and algorithms (DSA) for technical interviews, building strong portfolios through … Continued

Exhilarating blockchain-based hackathon organized by UEM Jaipur.

Participate in HackUEM 2.0! Join us for an exhilarating blockchain-based hackathon organized by UEM Jaipur ACM Student Chapter in collaboration with the Tech-Masters Community. This 12-hour blockchain-based hackathon is open to all streams and branches of UEM Jaipur. Date: 9th August Time: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Win exciting swags, goodies, T-shirts, and more! Enjoy … Continued

Preparation of HackUEM 2.0 organised by ACM student chapter, Dept of CSE, UEM Jaipur On July 30th, 2024.

Preparation of HackUEM 2.0 organised by ACM student chapter, Dept of CSE, UEM Jaipur On July 30th, 2024, the University of Engineering and Management Jaipur inaugurated Hack UEM 2.0 with a seminar aimed at first-year students. This event reviewed previous UEMJ hackathons, including AceHack and Hack UEM 1.0. The organizers introduced the hackathon concept and … Continued