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Tag: Alumni Interactions

Alumni Avijit Basu

Mr. Avijit Basu, an #alumni member of IEM-UEM group visited the University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata and addressed the students. Mr. Basu is now working as an engineer in Juniper Networks which is the leading company in networking domain along with Cisco. He himself manufacturers network cards, ICs, line cards etc. He was full … Continued

Abhi Bhowmik Alumni

Our alumnus from Bangladesh – Abhi Kumar Bhowmick addressed the students of IEM-UEM group from Bangladesh. A delegation of teachers from Bangladesh addressed and interacted with the students.

Alumni members (first batch students) of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur visited the University.

The students were:- Ms Nidhi Pathak – currently working in Infosys, Pune Mr. Zeeshan Barkati – currently working in CESC (Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation) Mr. Mokshda Mishra – currently working in Tata Motors They addressed the current students and motivated them  

IEM-UEM current batch passing out students Soham Banerjee, Shreya Paramanik and Manu Narsaria have opened their own company called Renderbit Technologies

IEM-UEM current batch passing out students Soham Banerjee, Shreya Paramanik and Manu Narsaria have opened their own company called Renderbit Technologies. The company has been awarded one amongst the first 25 startups in the prestigious TATA First Dot National Competition. This year there have been 25 campus status by the IEM-UEM group, which is a … Continued

Hall of Fame of IEM have been designed.

The IEM-UEM group has its alumni in several top positions in almost all countries throughout the world. There are several more alumni to follow in the Hall of Fame.

Pritam Bhattacharya, an alumni member of IEM-UEM group, addressed the students at the Science Auditorium.

Pritam Bhattacharya, an alumni member of IEM-UEM group, addressed the students at the Science Auditorium. Pritam ranked 35th All India Rank in GATE examination, and is the recipient of TCS Research Scholarship 2015. He is pursuing his Ph.D in IIT Kharagpur. His area of research is Approximation Algorithms in Computational Research. Very interestingly, he spoke on “Cheating … Continued

Congratulations to 2014 batch Computer Science & Engineering alumnus Aratrika Sarkar for getting acceptance from the prestigious University of Massachusetts, Amherst for doing Masters in Computer Science.

Our beloved alumni Aratrika Sarkar got a golden opportunity from the prestigious University of Massachusetts, Amherst for doing Masters in Computer Science. UMass, Amherst is one of the top Universities in the world.

2013 batch Computer Science & Engineering alumnus Supratim Das is doing his Master’s degree from the prestigious Saarland University.

Saarland University in Germany is ranked among the top Universities in Europe. Supratim is seen here with his teacher Prof Biswajoy Chatterjee, during his recent visit to his Alma Mater.

2000 batch alumnus Ananda Sinha recently graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business

A PROUD MOMENT FOR US!!!! Mr Ananda Sinha, beloved Alumni member of the first batch of IEM-UEM group is now working at the Microsoft Headquarter, Seattle, USA. He recently visited his Alma Mater and interacted with the teachers and students.