University of Engineering & Management
News & Achievements
Press releases in "Rajasthan Khoj Khabar" and "Jaipur Times" regarding excellent placement scenario of UEM Jaipur
Press releases in "Rajasthan Khoj Khabar" and "Jaipur Times" on 24th April and 28th April, 2018 respectively regarding excellent placement scenario of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur.
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May 4, 2018
News Articles, Regular Placement Activities, University Daily News
Why student should do Business as Internship Projects
In Engineering & Management, we teach around 48 subjects. However, in gist, our target is to prepare the students to be effective in the following 3 fields:
1) To be an outcome based technologist who can design, operate, repair and maintain a technological system. He/She can use his/her knowledge to innovate new technology for human use
2) To manage a business successfully and profitably.
3) To manage the administration of public as well as a private organization.
In short, we try to make our student employable in a corporate environment and also in public sector and Government environment.
AICTE has made it mandatory that students in the 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year must do outcome base internship programme.
Now, we can do internship i.e., actual outcome-based work, in a business/industry or public administration.
The internship can be done in companies where actual business technology will be learned in a practical way, For example:
a) any car manufacturing company like Suzuki, Hyundai, Toyota, etc.
b) any machine manufacturing company, HMT, Bharat Heavy Engineering, BML, ISRO, Atomic Energy Commission, Pathak Machine Manufacturing Company. Any CNC machine manufacturing company, HAL, Boeing India, TISCO, SAIL, any Hydro-electric power companies, etc.
c) any business organizations, ie., Google, Amazon, Flipkart, Grofers, TCS, Wipro, IBM, CTS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra etc.
d) System and project development companies/consultancy companies, i.e., PWC, KPMG, M.N.Dastur & company, Salt Lake IEM, Facebook, Whatsapp, Engineers India Ltd., Railway Workshop, Metrorail projects, Signal Manufacturing and installing companies, etc.
There are few companies in Kolkata, Delhi who are doing classroom, training and charging money for that i.e., Globsyn, Ardent, Simoco, etc are not eligible for internship programme.
e) Those who will be doing start-up and will make genuine attempt and get orders will get 100 marks out of 100 marks. And minor certificate in entrepreneurship.
f) Once the students are placed they will have a choice to continue their start-ups with the permission of the companies and they may sell their shares to the 1st year students of our institute so that the company will run forever and flourish but the old students will join jobs and take pride that he /she was once a past member of the company which may be a billion dollar company.
Entrepreneurship experience will enhance employability and enrich their CVs and students will get a minor in entrepreneurship.
How Can HR Managers Identify Candidates with Entrepreneurial Zest?
Your company’s established products and great services cannot be commercialised, unless you find the right talent with entrepreneurial skills to meet the business demands. However, in today’s highly competitive race to fetch best people from the talent pool, how do you identify candidates with exceptional business acumen and an entrepreneurial zest?
Beyond anything else, finding the right talents for your team has always been a challenge for every organisation. As the most powerful driving force, human capital holds the key for business’ success or failure. Candidates that apply for job openings always come with varied skills, experience and knowledge. Hence, it becomes more important for HR leaders’ to recognise employees with suitable company values and principles.
Rapidly-growing companies keen on expansion plans should be supported by fast-growing workforce as well. And to stay relevant in the market, business leaders should encourage talent development and innovation in the entire organisation. Given the business imperative, entrepreneurial zest is one of the key characteristics HRs should seek in a candidate.
To help you conduct better hiring process, here are few potential talent indicators who possess strong entrepreneurial skills:
High flexibility
Good employees always showcase high flexibility and openness toward change. Possessing an open-minded perspective, they have great ability to negotiate. Be it an important project with promising clients or individual tasks, people with high flexibility always nail every responsibility given to them.
Employees with entrepreneurial spirit take ownership of everything they are doing. Being a goal-oriented person, they always strive to be the best in order to meet company expectations. They are willing to go an extra mile, as long as they can realise the goals.
Willingness to take risk
Big business deals never come across as easy projects. To level up in the industry, organisations should have a risk-appetite to be able to clinch new business opportunities. Therefore, employees who are not afraid take risks and deal with uncertainty is required for a business to flourish and prosper. They should be able to move forward and make important decisions even during critical periods.
Passion and enthusiasm
No good business impact can be derived from weak-willed employees. Therefore, HR managers should make sure that the next hires demonstrate passion and enthusiasm in their jobs.
They should be filled with energy and surrounded by positive aura, that will generate better work environment. During the interview, it is important to test if the candidates showcase commitment and dedication for success.
Excellent communication skills
Employees with an entrepreneurial zest should have excellent communication skills. They should be high-potential leaders able to work both individually and in a team. These people fully understand their roles and responsibilities for the success of an organisation. They have the ability to communicate ideas and opinions explicitly to their managers, clients, or co-workers.
Willingness to learn
Great employees showcase willingness to learn and are endowed with the ability to think ahead. They always seek to be upgraded with skills as per industry demands, and share a passion for learning new things. They are not afraid of taking up higher responsibilities since they aspire for a better career opportunity.
While finding candidates with entrepreneurial zest is not an easy task to accomplish, it is not difficult either with some key hiring strategies used to attract talent. However, these six characteristics mentioned above will be of great help to find the next potential hire with business acumen. All you need to do is, start paying closer attention to details about your candidate’s personality during the interview.
TCS hires IT entrepreneurs before they become startups
Indian IT services company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is driving its own innovation in digital technology by recruiting entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley when they have an idea.
The digitization of business is forcing IT service providers to develop new services quickly to meet customer demands. Rather than recruit masses of people or acquire established technologies, TCS in Silicon Valley is in contact with IT entrepreneurs and recruits them when they have an idea it wants to take forward.
Entrepreneurs typically have an idea and then go through the process of trying to get funding. TCS's approach will get an idea into production quickly with the brains behind it still at the helm. TCS will benefit by taking ownership of the idea rather than acquiring a technology once it is established.
The scheme puts capital behind the idea, arms entrepreneurs with global development and marketing resources, and TCS's expertise in serving businesses will help the IT entrepreneur get the business angle right. Startups often require support in understanding how their technology can work for businesses.
TCS's global head of digital enterprise, Satya Ramaswamy, said it has an operation in Silicon Valey so it is well connected to the local entrepreneur network.
“The traditional source of entrepreneur funding cannot fund all ideas and is very selective. We can hire entrepreneurs and give them access to global resources,” added Ramaswamy.
He said entrepreneurs are often in a hurry to get their ideas into production because many people often have the same ideas. By TCS taking them on, they can do it much quicker. He added that first-time entrepreneurs would struggle to get funding through traditional channels because of a lack of experience.
TCS has already introduced five products in the big data space and 11 in the mobile space through this method. For example, in the big data space it has created a system that connects customer relationship management (CRM) and internal data with data from public sources, such as social media, which gives a more complete picture of customers.
In the UK, the startup community is expanding, with developments such as London’s Tech City. Competition for funds and mentoring is tough. UK IT services firms see the opportunity of buying ideas. In 2011, IT services firm Logica lobbied government to set up a central register of the intellectual property (IP) of universities to help good ideas make it into commercial environments.
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May 3, 2018
News Articles
The Future of world economy. A view from Stanford University.
Governments, businesses, and economists have all been caught off guard by the geopolitical shifts that happened with the crash of oil prices and the slowdown of China’s economy. Most believe that the price of oil will recover and that China will continue its rise. They are mistaken. Instead of worrying about the rise of China, we need to fear its fall; and while oil prices may oscillate over the next four or five years, the fossil-fuel industry is headed the way of the dinosaur. The global balance of power will shift as a result.
LED light bulbs, improved heating and cooling systems, and software systems in automobiles have gradually been increasing fuel efficiency over the past decades. But the big shock to the energy industry came with fracking, a new set of techniques and technologies for extracting more hydrocarbons from the ground. Though there are concerns about environmental damage, these increased the outputs of oil and gas, caused the usurpation of old-line coal-fired power plants, and dramatically reduced America’s dependence on foreign oil.
The next shock will come from clean energy. Solar and wind are now advancing on exponential curves. Every two years, for example, solar installation rates are doubling, and photovoltaic-module costs are falling by about 20 percent. Even without the subsidies that governments are phasing out, present costs of solar installations will, by 2022, halve, reducing returns on investments in homes, nationwide, to less than four years. By 2030, solar power will be able to provide 100 percent of today’s energy needs; by 2035, it will seem almost free — just as cell-phone calls are today.
This seems hard to believe, given that solar production provides less than one percent of the Earth’s energy needs today. But this is how exponential technologies advance. They double in performance every year or two and their prices fall. Given that California already generates more than 5 percent of its electricity from utility-scale solar, it is not hard to fathom what the impact of another few doublings would be: the imminent extinction of the fossil-fuel industry. Exponential technologies are deceptive because they move very slowly at first, but one percent becomes two percent, which becomes four, eight, and sixteen; you get the idea. As futurist Ray Kurzweil says, when an exponential technology is at one percent, you are halfway to 100 percent, and that is where solar and wind energies are now.
Anyone tracking the exponential growth of fracking and the gradual advances that were being made in conservation and fuel efficiency should have been able to predict, years ago, that by 2015, the price of oil would drop dramatically. It wasn’t surprising that relatively small changes in supply and demand caused massive disruptions to global oil prices; that is how markets work. They cause commodities futures and stock prices to fall dramatically when slowdowns occur. This is what is happening to China’s markets also. The growth of China’s largest industry, manufacturing, has stalled, causing ripple effects throughout China’s economy.
For decades, manufacturing was flooding into China from the U.S. and Europe and fueling its growth. And then a combination of rising labor and shipping costs and automation began to change the economics of China manufacturing. Now, robots are about to tip the balance further.
Foxconn had announced in August 2011 that it would replace one million workers with robots. This didn’t occur, because the robots then couldn’t work alongside human workers to do sophisticated circuit board assembly. But a newer generation of robots such as ABB’s Yumi and Rethink Robotics’ Sawyer can do that. They are dextrous enough to thread a needle and cost as much as a car does.
China is aware of the advances in robotics and plans to take the lead in replacing humans with robots. Guangdong province is constructing the world’s first “zero-labor factor,” with 1,000 robots which do the jobs of 2,000 humans. It sees this as a solution to increasing labor costs.
The problem for China is that its robots are no more productive than their counterparts in the West are. They all work 24×7 without complaining or joining labor unions. They cost the same and consume the same amount of energy. Given the long shipping times and high transportation costs it no longer makes sense to send raw materials across the oceans to China to have them assembled into finished goods and shipped to the West. Manufacturing can once again become a local industry.
It will take many years for Western companies to learn the intricacies of robotic manufacturing, build automated factories, train workers, and deal with the logistical challenges of supply chains being in China. But these are surmountable problems. What is now a trickle of manufacturing returning to the West will, within five to seven years, become a flood.
After this, another technology revolution will begin: digital manufacturing.
In conventional manufacturing, parts are produced by humans using power-driven machine tools, such as saws, lathes, milling machines, and drill presses, to physically remove material to obtain the shape desired. In digital manufacturing, parts are produced by melting successive layers of materials based on 3D models — adding materials rather than subtracting them. The “3D printers” that produce these use powdered metal, droplets of plastic, and other materials — much like the toner cartridges that go into laser printers. 3D printers can already create physical mechanical devices, medical implants, jewellery, and even clothing. But these are slow, messy, and cumbersome — much like the first generations of inkjet printers were. This will change.
In the early 2020s we will have elegant low-priced printers for our homes that can print toys and household goods. Businesses will use 3D printers to do small-scale production of previously labor-intensive crafts and goods. Late in the next decade, we will be 3D-printing buildings and electronics. These will eventually be as fast as today’s laser printers are. And don’t be surprised if by 2030, the industrial robots go on strike, waving placards saying “stop the 3D printers: they are taking our jobs away.”
The geopolitical implications of these changes are exciting and worrisome. America will reinvent itself just as does every 30-40 years; it is, after all, leading the technology boom. And as we are already witnessing, Russia and China will stir up regional unrest to distract their restive populations; oil producers such as Venezuela will go bankrupt; the Middle East will become a cauldron of instability. Countries that have invested in educating their populations, built strong consumer economies, and have democratic institutions that can deal with social change will benefit — because their people will have had their basic needs met and can figure out how to take advantage of the advances in technology.
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May 3, 2018
News Articles
The real reason why 95% of Indian engineers can't code
A few years ago, a McKinsey report said just a quarter of engineersNSE -2.55 % in India were actually employable. Of late, some other studies put it at less than 20%. Recently, a survey by employability assessment firm Aspiring Minds said 95% of Indian engineers can’t code.
Though graduates from India's premiere engineering colleges such as the IITs are still in demand, it is the thousands of other engineering colleges and ITIs that churn out millions of graduates every year whose employability is questionable.
There is a glut of engineers in the country and most of them are not employable. Old problems of low-quality education and outdated curricula have become more pronounced with automation and emerging technology reshaping businesses.
The problem that has been growing for the last nearly two decades is the over-capacity of colleges.
That's why the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) wants to close down about 800 engineering colleges across India. There are no takers for their seats, and admissions are plunging in these institutions every year.
Nearly 150 colleges are closed down voluntarily every year due to stricter AICTE rules. According to a rule of the council, colleges that lack proper infrastructure and report less than 30% admissions for five consecutive years will have to be shut down. AICTE has approved the progressive closure of more than 410 colleges across India, from 2014-15 to 2017-18.
In 2003, the government formed a committee to find out how technical education was doing in the country. The UR Rao Committee flagged a future glut of graduates. It found technical education was expanding rapidly which could not be sustained in the long run as there wasn't as much demand for as supply of engineering graduates.
Fifteen years later, the committee stands vindicated.
Nearly eight lakh BE/BTech students graduated last year, but only less than half of them got jobs through campus placement, according to data from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
The Rao committee had suggested a five-year moratorium on approvals for undergraduate technical institutions in states where the student intake exceeded the then national average of 150 seats per million population, according to an Indian Express a report.
However, Rao’s suggestion was never followed. In 2008-09, 30 per cent more students joined engineering colleges over the previous year, the highest jump since 2001, according to the AICTE data. More than over 700 new colleges were approved that year.
Half of the 15.5 lakh BE/BTech seats were vacant in 3,291 engineering colleges in India in 2016-17.
A glut of engineering colleges and resultant over-supply of graduates has led to quality going down.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's dream project of 'Make in India' is hobbled by lack of employable graduates. The project aspires to increase manufacturing capacity in India and generate 100 million jobs by 2022. That's too difficult with the kind of graduates our engineering colleges churn out.
India's much-touted demographic dividend, which can help India compete with China in manufacturing in near future, will turn into a burden if employbility of graduates does not go up. The jobs sector is already in stress. If the quality of skilled labour does not improve, latest technology that requires updated learning would cause a huge unemployment crisis.
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May 3, 2018
News Articles
80% engineers unemployable as they lack key skills: Report
CHARMINAR: There seem to be a significant gap in skills in the city as 80 per cent of engineering graduates are unemployable, as per Aspiring Mind Report 2016, highlighting the need for an upgraded education and training system.
City educators say that thousands of youngsters are being trained but they do not possess necessary skill and talent. While the syllabus of other countries is said to be practical, thousands of engineers are jobless in the state due to lack of these practical skills.
Engineering students say the curriculum for engineering education does not favour highprofile jobs in construction and building sector, as the academic syllabus often fail to fulfil real-world applications. "Many Indian engineers are not even aware of the international standards that are exercised in high-profile construction projects like the Makkah Tower or the Hyderabad Metro Rail project. The education system needs to be upgraded and make it more coherent with real-world execution and not depend on International companies,'' Azeemuddin Azad, an engineer explained.
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May 3, 2018
News Articles