University of Engineering & Management
News & Achievements

Heartiest Congratulations to ISRO and to all Indians.
Heartiest Congratulations to ISRO and to all Indians.
We are proud to state that the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR is a network institute of ISRO - Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) outreach network.
Students of UEM Jaipur can learn and experience the field of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, Digital Image Analysis, Global Navigation Satellite System and their applications under this ISRO - IIRS Outreach Programme on "Basic of RS, GIS and GNSS".
Many students of UEM JAIPUR are availing and immensely benefiting from these courses. Few certificates received by there students on behalf of the University are given in comments section.
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Sep 25, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Workshops & Seminars

Only few days to go for one of the biggest Placements (Job) opportunity of the country JOB FAIR FOR APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING 2023 (रोजगार शिविर) at Jaipur in association with Board of Apprenticeship Training (Northern Region), Ministry of Education, Government of India
Only few days to go for one of the biggest Placements (Job) opportunity of the country JOB FAIR FOR APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING 2023 (रोजगार शिविर) at Jaipur in association with Board of Apprenticeship Training (Northern Region), Ministry of Education, Government of India
Register immediately at
Venue: University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur "GURUKUL", 6 Kms from Chomu on Sikar Road, Udaipuria Mod, Jaipur-303807
Date: 8th September 2023
Free participation
We invite eligible passed out Graduates (2019 to 2023 passout) in Engineering/Technology/ Pharmaceuticals/General Streams such as B.A, B.Sc., B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Pharm, BPT, BHM, B.Lib, B.Sc Nursing, etc. & Diploma in Engineering/Technology/Nursing (GNM)/any other category as Graduate/Technician Apprentice through National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS).
Some of the companies which will be participating are:-
Hindustan Zinc Limited
Bosch Limited
Yazaki India Pvt. Ltd.
Hindware Ltd.
Joyson Anand Abhishek Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Bhagwati Products Ltd (Micromax)
Ultratech Cement Limited
JK Cement Works Pinnacle Infotech Solutions
KEC International Ltd.
SK Finance Limited
The Oberoi Rajvilas, Trident Jaipur
Auriga IT Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Mayur Uniquoters Limited H.G Infra Engineering Limited
Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd.
Havells India Limited
Mikuni India Pvt. Limited
Continental Engines Pvt. Ltd Kogta Financial (I) Ltd.
Fusion Business Solutions (P) Ltd
Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India Pvt. Ltd
Amol Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd
Arcgate Technologies LLP
Baid Finserv Ltd.
Briksminds Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Celebal Technologies Private Limited
Cyntexa Labs Pvt Ltd
Ranosys Technologies Pvt Ltd
Rajesh Motors
NR Switch N Radio Services Pvt. Ltd
Nitin Spinners Ltd.
Mateshwari Urban Transport Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Iraj Evolution Design Company Pvt. Ltd.
Wonder Home Finance Limited
Team Vertex Cosmos Pvt. Ltd
And Many More..
Come with screenshot/print of registration.
Phone: 9831883131, 7003966571, 9339879767, 9830534001
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Sep 25, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events

University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR has organized a one day Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - BOON OR BANE on 14th August, 2023.
Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker for the event was Dr. Ajay Data, CEO and Founder, Data Ingenious Global Ltd. Dr. Data elaborated on the various uses cases of the artificial intelligence and its wider use in the general life of the public. He informed students about the good and worst schenerios related to the use of the Al based models and applications.
A Panel Discussion on"Ethical and Responsible Al: Navigating the Path to a Beneficial Future" was organized with the industry leaders from the field of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security as listed below:
1. Mr. Mukesh Choudhary, Founder & C.E.O. of Cyberops
2. Mr. Manish Kumawat, Manager in RSM US LLP, Police Trainer
3. Mr.Prateek Agarwal, Team Lead at InfoOBjects Inc
4. Dr. N.C. Nitharwal, Director
Jankalyan Hospital and J.K. Fracture Hospital, Chomu
5. Mr. Abhishek Goyal, Founder & CTO of Socialveins Panel Moderator - Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-Chancellor,
UEM Jaipur
Projects based on Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Robotics, 10T, 3D printer, Drones etc have been showcased in the exhibition of innovative projects.
More than 300 students from engineering and other courses attended the seminar along with teachers of the department of Computer Science & Engineering. They appreciated the symposium and resolved a lot of queries.
The symposium was designed, coordinated and conducted by Prof. (Dr.) G. Uma Devi along with other team members.
UEM के स्टूडेंट ने आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस को बताया बहुत उपयोगी....!!!
देखिए संवाददाता रामगोपाल सैनी की स्पेशल रिपोर्ट....!!!!
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ख़बर और विज्ञापन के लिए संपर्क करें - 9214996258,7014468512.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 22, 2023
Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR in association with IIC, IQAC and ACM Student Chapter UEMJ organized CODE BATTLE.
Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management
(UEM), JAIPUR in association with IIC, IQAC and ACM Student Chapter UEMJ organized CODE BATTLE - Coding competition on 18.08.23 in the Central Laboratory of the CSE Department for interested students of all years.
Code Battle was a coding contest hosted on Hackkerrank platform where participants competed among themselves and learned valuable problem solving skills along with a good brain exercise.
The main motive behind conducting this event was to make the participants apply their logical skills in solving real time problems.
Winners of the contest were:
Anant Joshi - 1st
Kshitij Kr Verma - 2nd
Kunal Dubey - 3rd
They were facilitated by Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar,
UEM Jaipur and Prof. Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, HOD CSE Department,
UEM Jaipur
All students enjoyed the competition very much and we hope that they will continue this type of practice of coding and exploring new ideas and solutions every day. Also, we congratulate the winners and thanks the students for their involvement in the competition, thereby making it successful.
Faculty coordinators:
Prof. Jyoti Anand
Prof. Jyoti Khandelwal
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 22, 2023
Awards & Achievements, Community Development, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Training & Placement by RAMS Creative | UEM JAIPUR
Training & Placement by RAMS Creative | UEM JAIPUR
We are pleased to announce that 2023, Rams Creative Technologies initiated training for the AR-VR Lab for the upcoming 2024 graduating batch at UEM-JAIPUR Campus. This training is followed by the campus recruitment process for students of B.Tech (CSE & ECE) and MCA programs, participating in this training.
This is first of its kind in India at UEM JAIPUR, where training of the students are being done prior to the placement, for creating good training manpower for the industry both in terms of quantity and quality.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 22, 2023
Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan has conducted 2 sessions of 6 days' training.
Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan has conducted 2 sessions of 6 days' training each (from 31st July to 5th August, 2023 and 7th August to 12th August, 2023) for 640 primary school teachers in Basic Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), in UEM Jaipur Campus.
640 teachers from 600 schools of Primary Education Department, Govindagarh Region, Rajasthan participated in this training program, which was excellently conducted under the supervision of Shri Ram Singh Meena, Chief Block Education Officer, Govindgarh Region.
The trainings concluded in the evening of 12th, August, 2023 with the closing speech by Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-Chancellor, UEM Jaipur. Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar, UEM Jaipur and Prof. (Dr.) Aniruddha Mukherjee, Dean, UEM Jaipur.
Teachers visited the Innovation Laboratory and other Research Facilities available in UEM Jaipur campus and praised the efforts of
UEM students and teachers. They were very happy to see such laboratories and equipments of advanced level, in this region. They were very enthusiastic to see and experience Robots, Drones, AR/VR, 3D Printer, IOT based Projects and other innovative projects.
Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-chancellor, UEM Jaipur took sessions with the teachers to explain about the emerging technologies and their uses.
All participating teachers were very happy and cheerful for being in
UEM Jaipur for getting this training and visiting labs and other facilities in the University.
Prof. Ashutosh Gautam, Mr. Shopan Dey, Mr. Afaq Ahmed and Mr.
Sougata Banerjee arranged these sessions with all the teachers along with all other team members.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 22, 2023
Academic visits & interactions, Awards & Achievements, Community Development, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR has organized a one day Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - BOON OR BANE on 14th August, 2023.
Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker for the event was Dr. Ajay Data, CEO and Founder, Data Ingenious Global Ltd. Dr. Data elaborated on the various uses cases of the artificial intelligence and its wider use in the general life of the public. He informed students about the good and worst schenerios related to the use of the Al based models and applications.
A Panel Discussion on "Ethical and Responsible Al: Navigating the Path to a Beneficial Future" was organized with the industry leaders from the field of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security as listed below:
1. Mr. Mukesh Choudhary, Founder & C.E.O. of Cyberops
2. Mr. Manish Kumawat, Manager in RSM US LLP, Police Trainer
3. Mr.Prateek Agarwal, Team Lead at InfoOBjects Inc
4. Dr. N.C. Nitharwal, Director
Jankalyan Hospital and J.K. Fracture Hospital, Chomu
5. Mr. Abhishek Goyal, Founder & CTO of Socialveins Panel Moderator - Prof. (Dr.) Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-Chancellor,
UEM Jaipur.
Projects based on Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Robotics, 10T, 3D printer, Drones etc have been showcased in the exhibition of innovative projects.
More than 300 students from engineering and other courses attended the seminar along with teachers of the department of Computer Science & Engineering. They appreciated the symposium and resolved a lot of queries.
The symposium was designed, coordinated and conducted by Prof. (Dr.) G. Uma Devi along with other team members.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 22, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, International Conference, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan is conducting a 12 days training session for 640 primary school teachers in Basic Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), in the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR Campus.
Chief Block Education Officer (Block Govindgarh), Government of Rajasthan is conducting a 12 days training session (from 31st July to 5th August, 2023 and 7th August to 12th August, 2023) for 640 primary school teachers in Basic Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), in the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR Campus.
Teachers visited the Innovation Laboratory and other Research Facilities available in UEM Jaipur campus and praised the efforts of
UEM students and teachers. They were very happy to see such laboratories and equipments of advanced level, in this region. They were very enthusiastic to see and experience Robots, Drones, AR/VR, 3D Printer, IOT based Projects and other innovative projects.
They realised that UEM Jaipur has state-of-the-art advanced labs and equipments to make it's students employable.
Mr. Shopan Dey, Mr. Afaq Ahmed and Mr. Sougata Banerjee arranged these sessions with all the teachers.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Sep 21, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Workshops & Seminars

"Exhibition of prototype developed & Linkages with Innovation Ambassadors for Mentorship Support" was successfully conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
"Exhibition of prototype developed & Linkages with Innovation Ambassadors for Mentorship Support" was successfully conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
Students from first year were explained about different innovations and prototypes developed in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Students also got opportunity to interact with Innovation Ambassadors from the university. The intend of this event was to make students aware of different prototypes and projects being done by department of Mechanical Engineering and an overview of the scope and opportunities in different areas allied with Mechanical Engineering.
Event was coordinated by Prof. Ravindra Maanju, Prof. Vinod Yadav, Mr Ved Prakash Sharma and Mr. Bhanwar Saini
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Sep 19, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Workshops & Seminars