University of Engineering & Management
News & Achievements

The alumni members of the University of Engineering and Management (UEM), JAIPUR are present all across the world.
Alumni Meet 2023 at UEM JAIPUR...........
The alumni members of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR are present all across the world. Distinguished Alumnus award and Young Successful Alumnus Awards were given away in the program. The program also consisted of experience sharing by the alumni members, cultural functions, followed by cake cutting ceremony.
#UEMJaipur #AlumniMeet #TopRankedUniversity
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Jan 8, 2024
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Community Development, Distinguished Lecture, Faculty Development Programs, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

National Achiever's Award, 2023 received by the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
National Achiever's Award, 2023 received by the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
We wholeheartedly congratulate all students, teachers, staff members, researchers, parents, recruiters and all stakeholders.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Jan 8, 2024
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University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, have imparted free education and literacy.
Here you see Mataram, a 70-year old lady, one out of the 1500 rural women, to whom we, from the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, have imparted free education and literacy. These women could not even read an alphabet 3 months back. Now, they are reading a complete book. This scene was from Hadota village of Rajasthan. Please listen to her interview at the end of the video.
Picture of Hadota village adult literacy centre given in comments section.
#TopRankedUniversity #emian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Jan 8, 2024
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Community Development, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Fests, IEM/UEM DISTINGUISHED LECTURE, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Our students, teachers and researchers of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR have set up this Industrial automation and Robotics Laboratory at the University.
Our students, teachers and researchers of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR have set up this Industrial automation and Robotics Laboratory at the University.
The entire laboratory, the equipments, the components and their interaction have been designed and developed by the students, teachers and researchers of the University themselves and have not been purchased or procured from outside. This will serve as the entire industry simulation for the students desiring to learn, and after working here, students can be easily absorbed by industry in the relevant senior positions.
The Industrial automation and Robotics Laboratory helps the students to attain detailed knowledge on industrial VFD operation applicable raw material handling conveyor system, boiler feed water flow system where speed of the motor varies to control process input as per product manufacturing operation demands. Further the integration of the total VFD and conveyor system to SCADA for remote station operation, with PLC and their programing in SFC and SQL for operation control development in compliance with the industrial standard protocol RS485 and Enet for SCADA communication will help the students immensely.
The newly integrated various motor feeder system like star-delta starter, reverse forward starter and DOL starter panel to the SCADA system for remote motor operation application in various process like boiler feed water flow, gas flow in the for burner etc. is also developed.
In this laboratory, we provide hands –on training for the student various feeder panel, VFD installation with conveyor system, VFD programing (like ABB, Yaskwa), PLC programing, SCADA development and In-loop test, FAT and SAT test for the system etc. Also we train students on electrical design of large process, control panel system design on software platform like Autocad, ETAP, EPLAN-Pro etc. This would help our student to get expertise and be industry ready.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Dec 22, 2023
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Today, we completed phase 1, where we, from the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR imparted free education and literacy to 1500 rural women across 25 villages of Rajasthan.
Here, we remain committed to continue the same, and target for 50 more villages in the 2nd phase.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Dec 22, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Fests, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Excellence in Teaching and CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Research & Publications were presented to teachers of University Engineering & Management (UEM) Jaipur
Congratulations to all Family Members of UEM Jaipur
CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Excellence in Teaching and CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Research & Publications were presented to teachers of University Engineering & Management (UEM) Jaipur for their best performance in teaching and research publications in SCI, SCI(E), E-SCI, Scopus indexed Journals. Awards were also presented for publications of Patents and Books.
Prof. Dr. Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-Chancellor, UEM Jaipur presented the Certificate of Award and a memento to all the awardee teachers and congratulated them for their hard and dedicated work toward making UEM Jaipur a research oriented and student centric university in this part of the country.
You can access the pictures at:-
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#EduskillsConnect23 #NextGenSkillConclave #IndustryLeaders #Networking #collaboration MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AICTE NEAT Anil Sahasrabudhe Chandrasekhar Buddha #EduSkillsConnect #conclave #AICTE #aicteneat
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#uemjaipur #uem #TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Dec 21, 2023
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Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur participated in a National Webinar organised by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) as a part of IIC activities on 18.09.2023.
Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur participated in a National Webinar organised by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) as a part of IIC activities on 18.09.2023.
1. Mr. Anand Mishra. Chairman, IGBC Jaipur Chapter
2. Mr. Dhirendra Madan, Co-Chair, IGBC Jaipur Chapter
3. Dr. Shivraj Dhaka, Sr. Counsellor, CIl-IGBC
This national webinar on Green Building Rating system is directly related to Entrepreneurship. The students can choose the career option of Green Building Consultants.
The green concepts and techniques in the building sector can help address national issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency and reduction in fossil fuel.
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched IGBC Green New Buildings rating system to address the National priorities.
Civil Engineering Department is thankful to Registrar Sir, Dean sir and Dr. Shivraj Dhaka, Ex. Chairman, IGBC for providing the information to the department.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Dec 20, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Community Development, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, IEM/UEM DISTINGUISHED LECTURE, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars

Scenes from InfoObjects Inc campus placement drive at University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur (UEM).
Scenes from InfoObjects Inc campus placement drive at University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur (UEM). InfoObjects are at the forefront of developing Generative Al features leveragingIChatGPT and other cutting edge Al tools.
Other companies who visited campus are JBM Auto Ltd., Kreeti Technologies Pvt Ltd.,, Wednesday, Quillaudits, Now and me, AAJ Enterprises, Hike Education, Indus Towers Limited, StarBit IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Zucol's Group, Synergy Steels, Codeyoung, SABRES Group, Axciom Consulting Pvt Ltd., Anand Rathl Group, Alankit Ltd., BuildMate Projects Pvt Ltd., Cape Electric, Manikaran Power, and other various companies.
Placements are continuing full-fledged.
Admission link:
#UEM #UEMJaipur #TopRankedUniversity #placements
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Dec 20, 2023
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We wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Tejas Kharkar & Mr. Soham Wadekar, students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR
We wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Tejas Kharkar & Mr. Soham Wadekar, students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR, who have emerged as winner with their innovative product, in an event AVISHKAR, conducted at NIT Suratkal. They were mentored by their senior mentored by Mr. Divyansh Sachdev.
Description of the Project:
IV Drip meter - a product in medical field to overcome cases like reverse flow.
#TopRankedUniversity #uemian #uem #UEMJaipur
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Dec 14, 2023
Alumni Interactions, Awards & Achievements, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, IEM/UEM DISTINGUISHED LECTURE, Industry visits & interactions, News Articles, Other events, Regular Placement Activities, University, University Daily News, Upcoming Events, Workshops & Seminars