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University of Engineering & Management

Web-A-Thon, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR. On 18th March, 2023, students of UEM JAIPUR ACM student chapter  have organized Web-A-Thon. The primary goal of this event was to encourage students to create their own portfolio website so that they could create their own curriculum vitae with creativity.

Event Name – Web-A-Thon, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
On 18th March, 2023, students of UEM JAIPUR ACM student chapter  have organized Web-A-Thon.
The primary goal of this event was to encourage students to create their own portfolio website so that they could create their own curriculum vitae with creativity. Today, a digital portfolio website is very important to stand out in this technical era, and companies also believe in digital assets.
About the Event: – First prize was won by Biswanath Mukherjee, 1st year CSE, second won by Subham Kumar Singh, 3rd year CSE and third by Kshitij Verma,3rd year CSE-AIML. It was a wonderful event and there was a feel good factor to see that students created their own portfolio website with lots of innovative idea and thoughts.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants and co-ordinators.
Student Co-ordinators:
Sahitya Roy(3rd yr)
Priya Chandak(3rd yr)
Amar Sansil(3rd yr)
Rohit Chakraborty(2nd yr)
Aman Kumar(2nd yr)
Faculty Co-ordinators:
Prof. Sagarika Ghosh
Prof. Dipta Mukherjee
News & Achievements
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2016
"Just Careers" Magazine, 2011
NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2015
Press Releases