University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur is in final stage of association with Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) to start an Industry Linked 3years Undergraduate Program in BBA-Retail Management from 2023-24, where students will have an opportunity for On-Job-training (OIT) for 2 years of their 3 years program along with attractive stipend and performance incentive from MSIL Dealership Network in Jaipur. The course curriculum and syllabus is designed by the industry experts of MSIL as per their latest industry demands.
Mr. Nitesh Kumar, Deputy Manager, MSIL, Gurgaon visited the UEM Campus on Tuesday, 25th July, 2023 to inform about the program and to interact with prospective students for the same.
Prof. (Dr.) Preeti Sharma, Head, Department of Management, Dr. Rahul Sharma, Dr. Manisha Singh, Prof. Sweta Pareek, Dr. Pawan, Mr. Rudham, Ms, Rishita were present during the session along with all students.
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