AICTE – MIC – IIC Regional Meet
Students and faculty members of University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur participated in the INNOVATE BHARAT program of Institution’s Innovation Council (IC) Regional Meet 2023 at Amity University, Jaipur on 4th January, 2024.
Students of Shunya Club of UEM Jaipur showcased innovative projects under Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where it received a lot of appreciation from MIC Assistant Innovation Director Dr. Dipan Sahu, Director AICTE Ms. Garima Rohela and Vice Chancellor Amity University Dr. Amit Jain and other Dignitaries from various Government Organisations and Team Shunya won the Certificate for the Best Stall for Innovations.
Student members of Shunya Club presented the projects were:
Soham Wadekar
Jyoti Rai
Vishnu Singh
Aryan Saini
Abhishek Gupta
Shashi Ranjan
Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma Registrar and President IIC UEM Jaipur dellvered a detalled session on YUKTI- NATIONAL INNOVATION REPOSITORY as keynote speaker.
Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma Registrar and President IIC UEM Jaipur, Prof. Dr. Anurag Hamilton Professor and Coordinator IIC UEM
Jaipur, Prof. Dr. Govind Rai Goyal Assistant Professor and Sr.
Innovation Ambassador IIC UEM Jaipur and Prof. Sougata Banerjee Assistant Professor and Mentor IIC UEM Jaipur attended the Regional
Meet of all the IIC institutions of Rajasthan.
More than 150 Universities, Colleges, ATL Schools with more than 600 participants attended the event.
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