Students of the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur, 2020 passing out batch are doing excellent in placements again.
In 2019, passout students of UEM Jaipur achieved excellent placements of 123.22% (ratio of number of job offers to the number of students opting for placements).
This year (2020 passing out batch), students are doing even better, with the placement percentage reaching 93.44% (ratio of number of job offers to the number of opting students) by January, 2020 with 7 months of placement season remaining.
-1 student Ankit has got 9 job offers – TCS, Devoy Softech, Gati Technology Systems, Stackrogers Solutions, Talenthrone, Ipixxel, Coders Beyond, Insino Ventures, Matrix
-1 student Ashis Kumar Singh got 5 job offers – TCS, Appventurez Mobitech, C-DAC, Cognizant, Matrix
-1 student Mohit Agarwal got 4 job offers – Harman International (Samsung Unit), Wipro, iBirds Software, Vedantu
-2 students got 3 job offers –
-Nikhil Ladha – Infosys, TCS Digital, Kreeti Technologies, (also got prestigious internship with maturity to placement with performance from RedHat)
-Rounak Saha – Aimil Ltd, Schoollog, Extramarks
-other opting students students got 2 or 1 job offers
Students have appeared for companies like:-
Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, LG Electronics, Kreeti Technologies, Harman International (Samsung unit), Sansui Electronics, C-DAC, TCG, Amara Raja (Amaron), cvDragon India, Devoy Softech, Skytech Solutions, Infoobjects Software, Appventurez Mobitech, Vedantu, iBirds Software, Aimil Ltd, Okaya Infocomm, Shree Associates, ICICI Bank, Ksolves India, Schoollog, Hightech Next Engineering & Telecommunication, Extramarks, Stackroger Solutions, Leonardo Da Vinci Corporation, Ryatus Proinfra, Appcino Technologies, Marketing Mindz, Cape Electric, LIDO Learning, Gati Technology Systems, Matrix, Talenthrone, iPixxel, Coders Beyond, Insino Ventures and others……..