ICAELS 2022 – 14 and 15 Oct 2022 – International Conference on Advances in English Language Studies organized by Department of English & Humanities, University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
Key note speakers from all over the world shared their thoughts and expressed their views on the Advances in English Language in the present time. All renowned Professors from all over the globe, Prof. (Dr) Rosemary Douglas, UK, Prof. (Dr) Yaseer Al Tamimi, UAE, Prof. (Dr) Motikala Subba Dewan, Nepal, Prof. (Dr) Hemanta Raj Daha, Nepall, Prof. (Dr) Rajul Bhargava, India Prof. (Dr) ZN Patil, India, Prof. (Dr) Devika Brendon, Sri Lanka, Prof. (Dr) Paritosh Chandra Dugar, India, Prof. (Dr) Srinivas Rao, UAE and other eminent professors from all parts of India were present during the Inaugural session of the conference on 14th October, 2022.
Two day’s International Conference on Advances in English Language Studies (ICAELS 2022) was successfully organized in UEM Jaipur with round the clock support and dedicated efforts by Prof. (Dr.) Snehlata Dhaka, Prof. K. V. Kuriokose, Prof. Dipta Mukherjee, Prof. Krishan Kumar, Prof. Shivam Chauhan, Mr. Shyam Lal along with Mr. Raju, Mr. Shriram and Mr. Jai under the controlled and guided coordination by Prof. (Dr.) Mukesh Yadav, Convener of ICAELS-2022.
We at UEM Jaipur hope for many more such successful events and conferences on a regular basis on an yearly basis.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to all.