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University of Engineering & Management

Industrial Visit to HWP NPCIL Rawatbhata 05 April 2024

Industrial Visit to HWP NPCIL Rawatbhata 05 April 2024
We are pleased to inform that 42 students from Core Engineering Departments (EE/CE/ME) visited the most prestigious Heavy Water Plant, Kota which is an integrated unit of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd Rawatbhata (NPCIL) under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India.
About the Plant:
Heavy Water Plant, Kota is located at a distance of 65 KM from Kota Railway Station under Rawatbhata Tehsil of Chittorgarh District in Rajasthan. It is adjacent to Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant (RAPP) & Rana Pratap Sagar Dam. The Plant is integrated with RAPP for its requirement of power and steam. It was commissioned in 1985. It is the first one based on H2S-H2O exchange process and has complete technology developed indigenously with the close interaction between Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and the Heavy Water Board.
Heavy Water Plant, Kota was conceptualized, designed and engineered based on pilot plant study at BARC. It is an ISO-9001 (2015) & ISO-14001 (2015) certified organization.
Safety performance record of HWP, Kota is one of the best among chemical industries and plant has received many prestigious awards from National Safety Council, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Institute of Engineers, etc. Indigenously developed solar energy based steam generator has been installed and commissioned at HWP, Kota which is first of its kind application in India for process industry.
The students could get an exposure of basic working principle of Rana Pratap Sagar Dam. On the way they also visited the Mukundra Hills National Park.
The faculty who accompanied the students and coordinated for the entire visit were:
Prof. Dr. Ankit Kumar Sharma
Prof. Dr. Umesh Gurnani
Prof. Dr. Anurag Hamilton
Prof. Ankit Kumar Sharma
Mr. Ved Prakash Sharma

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NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) E-Week, 2011-2016
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"Just Careers" Magazine, 2011
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