Today the students of BPT 4th year visited “SYNERGRY ARTIFICIAL LIMB CENTRE”, Jaipur. The students learned about various orthotic and prosthetic devices used in different patient conditions. They also visited the workshop where they saw how these orthotic and prosthetic devices are made. Prior to that they also had a live hands on patient experience where they were taught how to take specific measurements to customise the devices as per patient needs.
Overall the students enjoyed a lot and learned the practical skills necessary for their future career.
The faculty coordinators Dr. Neha Vyas (Associate Professor) and Dr. Madhu Teotia (Assistant Professor) organised this visit for the students and went along with them to the center. Mr. Anuj Sethi also coordinated along with the faculties to make this visit successful. On behalf of the university a token of thanks was given to the Mr. Hargovind Pachori (Orthotist and Prosthetist), Director of Synergy Center.