Google Developer Students Clubs in association with UEM Jaipur
ACM Student Chapter & Institution’s Innovation Council (IC) has organised ” GDSC 2023 Welcome Event ” on 1st September, 2023 at the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR campus with speakers Prof. Dipta Mukherjee and GDSC Lead Subham Gourisaria, student, UEM JAIPUR.
More than 150 students attended the event The primary focus of this event was to make the students aware about GDSC and the technologies provided by Google, benefits of being part of GDSC.
Google Cloud Study Jam program was also discussed, where more than 150 students showed their interest by registering in the program.
To make the event more interactive, a Quiz was also conducted and Swags were distributed to the winners.
Those who attended the event will be receiving certificate of participation.
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