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University of Engineering & Management

Event Name – The Reverse Engineering On 17th-March- 2023, Students of Mechanical Engineering Department of UEM Jaipur have organized the Demonstration – Workshop for The Reverse Engineering Event with their participants. In this workshop they have dismantled a Car Engine and demonstrated its various parts and working.

Event Name – The Reverse Engineering
On 17th-March- 2023, Students of Mechanical Engineering Department of UEM Jaipur have organized the Demonstration – Workshop for The Reverse Engineering Event with their participants. In this workshop they have dismantled a Car Engine and demonstrated its various parts and working.
About the Event: – Reverse Engineering is process of dismantling a product to see how it works. It is basically used to analyze and gain knowledge about the way how something works but often is used to enhance the product feature. It can be used to reproduce parts that are no longer manufactured or difficult to obtain. By analyzing an existing part, engineers can create a new Machines/ Systems that replicates the original part’s shape, dimensions, and function.
Further, Engineers can use reverse engineering to analyze an existing product to identify areas for improvement or modification. This can involve analyzing the product’s design, materials, and manufacturing processes to find ways to increase efficiency, reduce costs, or improve performance.
All the participants are more excited for final day of event that is on 19th- March- 2023.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants and co-ordinators.
Student Co-ordinators:
Pragya Sarkar
Aman Kumar
Gyanchand Verma
Faculty Co-ordinators:
Prof. Sumit Kumar Paul
Prof. Iqbal Ahmad
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