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University of Engineering & Management

Dr. Sapna Malla, Associate Professor has attended the 2nd National conference of IAP women cell & Physio Manthan.

Dr. Sapna Malla, Associate Professor , Department of Physiotherapy at UEM University Jaipur, has attended the 2nd National conference of IAP women cell & Physio Manthan on 21st and 22nd September at constitution club of India, New Delhi.The theme of the Conference was: Empower and Heal, Healthy Ageing . The IAP women cell also selected and awarded Dr. Sapna with an Women of Achievement Award from entire Rajasthan. In this conference more than 2000 delegates were present from all over the world and also she has participated in the group discussion with all the IAP members regarding the various agendas like form state and district council, focus on women empowerment,curriculum design, innovation nd the physiotherapy field.
The esteemed presence of honorable chief guest World Physiotherapy president Prof.Michel D. Landry, President Dr. Sanjeev Jha,Dr. Ali irani (chairperson international Affairs), Dr. Suresh Babu Reddy( Vice President),Dr. Ruchi varshey (National Head IAPWC), Dr. Iftikhar ( chairman of state health services Karnataka), Dr. Joji John, Dr. Anamalai and many more renowned dignified physiotherapists glorify the occasion.
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