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Digital marketing lab Ardunio IoT kits were distributed to MBA 1st year students

School of Management UEM Jaipur
Today in digital marketing lab Ardunio IoT kits were distributed to MBA 1st year students
Using these Arduino IoT kits for business marketing students are going to do the Projects .
Here are some project which are given to the students today.
1. Smart Advertisement Display: Create an IoT-enabled display board that changes advertisements based on various factors such as time of day, weather, or foot traffic using sensors like motion sensors, temperature sensors, and light sensors.
2. Interactive Product Demo Stations: Design interactive stations where customers can learn about products through IoT-enabled displays and buttons. These stations can provide product information, demonstration videos, or even allow customers to request assistance from staff.
3. Smart Inventory Management: Develop a system that monitors inventory levels in real-time and automatically sends restock notifications to suppliers when inventory is low. This can help businesses ensure they never run out of stock of popular items.
4. Personalized Marketing Messages: Create a system that uses customer data (with proper consent and privacy considerations) to deliver personalized marketing messages or offers. For example, a retail store could use IoT sensors to track customer behavior and tailor messages based on their preferences and past purchases.
5. Smart Lighting for Marketing Events: Design IoT-enabled LED lighting systems that can be controlled remotely to create dynamic lighting displays for marketing events, trade shows, or product launches. These displays can help attract attention and create a memorable experience for attendees.
6. Customer Feedback Collection: Develop a system for collecting customer feedback in real-time using IoT-enabled buttons or touchscreens. Businesses can use this feedback to make immediate improvements to their products or services and show customers that their opinions are valued.
7. Location-Based Marketing: Utilize IoT technology such as beacons or GPS trackers to deliver targeted marketing messages to customers based on their location. For example, a restaurant could send special offers to people walking by, enticing them to come in and dine.
These projects combine IoT technology with marketing strategies to create innovative solutions that can help businesses better engage with customers and drive sales.