Crack the Code 

Debugging competition at the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR.
Date: 19th March 2023
Timing: 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Venue: Central Lab (Basement)
Organized by: Codesta (UEM Jaipur Coding Club) & Department of CSE
Contest Rules:
⁜ You can use only C language
⁜ Reporting time – 1:30 pm
Winners will get Winners will get!! 

All participants will receive a Participation E-certificate.
Registration Link:
1. All participants are requested to report at the Central Lab within time on 19th March, 2023.
2. Students are not allowed to carry their mobile phones or smart watches.
3. Use of Wi-Fi for surfing Internet will be prohibited.
4. Participants will be under strict invigilation of faculty and student coordinators.