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University of Engineering & Management

Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management Jaipur in collaboration with IIC, and ACM Student Chapter UEM Jaipur, organized a workshop on “Report Writing for College Projects” on 4th March 2023 in online mode with Ms Ishika Saraf as a trainer under the guidance of Prof. Jyoti Khandelwal and Prof. Jyoti Anand for interested students from all departments. The presence of Prof. Dr Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, HOD CSE department has made the session more informative and interactive.

Codesta Coding Club of the University of Engineering & Management Jaipur in collaboration with IIC, and ACM Student Chapter UEM Jaipur, organized a workshop on “Report Writing for College Projects” on 4th March 2023 in online mode with Ms Ishika Saraf as a trainer under the guidance of Prof. Jyoti Khandelwal and Prof. Jyoti Anand for interested students from all departments.
The presence of Prof. Dr Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, HOD CSE department has made the session more informative and interactive.
A Report is a formal document that presents the findings of the research, investigation, or analysis on a particular topic or subject. Students of all departments must be skilled in writing project reports, research papers, or any other relevant document.
In this workshop, nearly 66 students joined and learned how to write a report for college projects. We hope this workshop made them comfortable and efficient in technical writing skills 📝.
It was an interactive as well as informative workshop that helped the participants to clear all their doubts they had regarding the topic.
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