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University of Engineering & Management

“Cloud Study Jam Workshop Day-2 | UEM JAIPUR”

“Cloud Study Jam Workshop Day-2 | UEM JAIPUR”

Following the successful commencement of Day 1, the Google Developer Students Club (GDSC), University of Engineering & Management (UEM), JAIPUR orchestrated the “Cloud Study Jam Workshop Day-2” on the 17th of September, held in the basement auditorium. The event featured accomplished trainers, namely Subham Gourisaria, GDSC Lead of UEM Jaipur, and Cloud Facilitator Shipra Shriparn.
During Day 2, participants actively engaged in hands-on lab exercises focused on Generative Al and Cloud Foundations. Remarkably, several students completed both pathways by successfully navigating through all the prescribed labs. This experience not only afforded them valuable practical insights but also fostered a proficient grasp of the Google Cloud Skillboost platform, enhancing their proficiency in swiftly executing lab assignments.
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