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University of Engineering & Management

Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur participated in a Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).

Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur participated in a Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Student Chapters Meet “Manthan- A Green Talk” at SKIT as a part of IIC activities on 01.11.2023.
Registrar of University Of Engineering and Management, Jaipur, Prof.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma was invited as one of the panel members of this speaker programme. Prof. Subhro Chakraborty, HOD, Civil Engineering Department and SPOC (IGBC) attended this programme along with CE 3rd year students, Mr. Subham Jain, Mr.
Ravindra Dhabai.
Its a matter of pride that in his keynote address, Dr. Shivraj Dhaka,
Sr. Counsellor, IGBC mentioned that UEM is one of the most vibrant
IGBC student chapters in Rajasthan.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar, UEM mentioned in the Panel Discussion, the Green Initiatives UEM is taking including Solar Water Heaters, Plantation activities etc and was well appreciated.
He also mentioned the compulsory Internship activities, BTech students should undertake to understand the gap between academics and industry.

RESOURCE PERSON (Eminent Speakers):
1. Mr. Anand Mishra. Chairman, IGBC Jaipur Chapter
2. Mr. Dhirendra Madan, Co-Chair, IGBC Jaipur Chapter
3. Dr. Shivraj Dhaka, Sr. Counsellor, CIl-IGBC Panelists:
1. Dr. Manoj Gupta, Pro President, Poornima University.
2. Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Registrar, University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur.
3. Dr. Madhura Yadav, Dean- Faculty of Design and Director- School of Architecture and Design, Manipal University.

This enlightened programme on Different initiatives of IGBC and Green Building Rating system is directly related to Entrepreneurship.
The green concepts and techniques in the building sector can help address national issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency and reduction in fossil fuel.
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched IGBC Green New Buildings rating system to address the National priorities.


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