CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Excellence in Teaching and CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Research & Publications were presented to teachers of University of Engineering & Management (UEM) Jaipur.
CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Excellence in Teaching and CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Research & Publications were presented to teachers of University of Engineering & Management (UEM) Jaipur.
Congratulations to all Family Members of UEM Jaipur
CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Excellence in Teaching and CHANCELLORS AWARDS for Research & Publications were presented to teachers of University of Engineering & Management (UEM) Jaipur for their best performance in teaching and research publications in SCI, SCI(E), E-SCI, Scopus indexed Journals. Awards were also presented for publications of Patents and Books.
Prof. Dr. Satyajit Chakrabarti , Pro- Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Dr. Biswajoy Chatterjee, Vice-Chancellor, UEM Jaipur presented the Certificate of Award and a memento to all the awardee teachers and congratulated them for their hard and dedicated work toward making UEM Jaipur a research oriented and student centric university in this part of the country.