A guest lecture was organised for the IEM-UEM group faculty members by reputed scientist Prof. Palash Baran Pal of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. He presented a very interesting talk on “The Mystery and History of Calendars”
A guest lecture was organised for the IEM-UEM group faculty members by reputed scientist Prof. Palash Baran Pal of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. He presented a very interesting talk on “The Mystery and History of Calendars”
His areas of research are:-
1) Weak interactions, with specific emphasis on neutrino physics
2) Beyond the standard model, including left-right symmetric model and grand unification
3) Particle properties in material medium, commonly (and inappropriately) known as finite temperature field theory
4) Particle properties in background magnetic fields
5) Astrophysics and Cosmology related to Particle Physics
6) Linearized theory of gravity